高顿网校小编与您一起分享:Benefit by offering ACA training
  81% of FTSE 100 companies have at least one ICAEW Chartered Accountant on their board.
  Source: ICAEW member data at January 2013, FTSE 350 data at December 2012
  57% of FTSE 250 companies have an ICAEW Chartered Accountant as chairman, CEO or CFO.
  Source:ICAEW member data at January 2013, FTSE 350 data at December 2012
  97% of the Best Global Brands employ ICAEW Chartered Accountants.
  Source: ICAEW member data at January 2013, Interbrand Best Global Brands 2012
  This highlights the importance of making sure that if you do change employer during your training agreement that your ACA training records and online sign offs need to be up-to-date and signed off before you leave your existing employer.
  报考指南: 2014年ACA考试报考指南 
  考前冲刺:ACA考试经验分享   考试辅导