  The ACA qualification has 15 modules over three levels. Each of the ACA modules is directly relevant to the work that you do on a day-to-day basis. You will gain in-depth knowledge across a broad range of topics in accountancy, finance and business.
  15 accountancy, finance and business modules
  The modules can be taken in any order with the exception of the Case Study which has to be attempted last. You must pass every exam (or receive credit for prior learning) – there are no options. This ensures that once qualified, all ICAEW Chartered Accountants have a consistent level of knowledge, skills and experience.
  高顿网校小编为ACA学员们介绍一下英国的旅游景点:大英博物馆的主楼仿效了古希腊式的建筑,正门是高大的柱廊,两旁各有8根又粗又高的罗马式圆柱,上方是装饰着浮雕的山墙屋顶。从正门进入馆内,即到达大中庭,由大中庭(Great Court)连接着的,是四面八方100多个展厅。
  报考指南: 2014年ACA考试报考指南 
  考前冲刺:ACA考试经验分享   考试辅导