ACCA(特许公认会计师公会)近日公布了其专业资格的重大创新,将取消P1和P3科目,并引入新的科目SBL Strategic Business Leader《战略商业[*{b}*]》,新科目将在2018年9月考试中出现。针对这一变革,高顿财经ACCA研究中心主任龚玲玲博士,携手P1、P3教研组的多位特级教师*9时间对新科目做了独到细致的解读,并与现行的P1、P3科目做了详细的对比分析,供广大考生参考学习!
SBL Strategic Business Leader《战略商业[*{b}*]》
A Leadership 领导力
1. Qualities of leadership (P3)领导特质
2. Leadership and organizational culture (P3)领导力和组织文化
3. Professionalism, ethical codes and the public interest (P1)
B Governance 公司治理
1. Agency (P1)代理关系与理论
2. Stakeholder analysis and organisational social responsibility (P1、P3)
3. Reporting to stakeholders (P1、P3)对利益相关方提供综合报告
4. Governance scope and approaches (P1)公司治理的范围与方法
5. The board of directors (P1)董事会
6. Public sector governance (P1)公共部门治理
C Strategy 战略管理
1. Concepts of strategy (P3)战略管理的基本理念
2. Environmental issues (P3)外部环境影响因素
3. Competitive forces (P3)竞争力
4. The internal resources, capabilities and competences of an organization (P3)
5. Strategic choices (P3)战略选择
D Risk 风险管理
1. Identification, assessment and measurement of risk (P1)风险辨析、评估和计量
2. Managing, monitoring and mitigating risk (P1)风险管理、监控和降低风险
E Technology and data analytics 科技与数据分析
1. Cloud and mobile technology (SBL新增)云计算与移动互联网技术
2. Big data and data analytics (P3)大数据与数据分析
3. E- business: value chain (P3)电子商务在价值链管理上的应用
4. IT systems security and control  (SBL新增)IT系统安全与控制
F Organisational control and audit 组织内控与审计
1. Management and internal control systems (P1)管理和内部控制系统
2. Audit and compliance (P1)内控、审计和合规性
3. Internal control and management reporting (P1)内控和管理层报告
G Finance in planning and decision-making 财务企划与决策
1. Finance function (P3) 财务的职能
2. Financial analysis and decision making techniques (P3) 财务分析与决策技术
3. Cost and management accounting (P3)成本与管理会计
H Innovation, performance excellence and change management
1. Enabling success: organizing  (P3)企业成功:组织
2. Enabling success: disruptive technologies  (P3、SBL新增)
3. Enabling success: talent management (P3)企业成功:人才管理
4. Enabling success: performance excellence (SBL新增)企业成功:业绩卓越
5. Managing strategic change (P3)战略变革的管理
6. Innovation and change management (P3)企业流程创新
I Professional skills 职场专业技能
1. Communication (SBL新增)沟通能力
2. Commercial acumen (SBL新增)商业洞察力
3. Analysis (SBL新增)分析能力
4. Scepticism (SBL新增)职业质疑态度
5. Evaluation (SBL新增)评价能力
SBL Strategic Business Leader《战略商业[*{b}*]》考纲详解,及与现行P1、P3考纲对比

▎本文作者为高顿财经ACCA研究中心 P1教研组和P3教研组,来源高顿网校。原创文章,欢迎分享,若需引用或转载请注明来源高顿网校。更多内容请关注微信号(gaodunacca),掌握最全面ACCA政策以及学习方法,更有在线小编为你解答各种困惑,会说话的公众号,你见过吗?