ACCA科目辅导:ACCA F3 准则类章节超经典学习路径--以IAS 38号准则Intangible Assets为例
IAS 38 Intangible assets (INA)
ACCA科目 F3考法:Section A 选择题 2道4分
1.Definition定义 & Recognition确认
考点1: What is Intangible non-current assets (INA)?
An intangible non-current asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance没有物理形态.
l如何确认?看Recognition (INA确认要满足三个条件)
(1) probable,
(2) future economic benefits that are associated with the asset will flow to the entity,
(3) cost of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.
考点2: Types of Intangible non-current asset (INA)
(1)External purchased 外部购买的INA
lExternal purchased good will企业收购和兼并产生的商誉
lExternal purchased intangible assets 从外部购买的专利、版权等无形资产
(2)Internally generated内部产生的INA
lInternally generated goodwill 企业内部多年积累的客户资源、良好的政府关系、强劲的品牌效应等
lResearch & development costs; 企业内部的研发支出 (高频考点)
考点3: Intangible assets V.S Tangible assets (考法: 判断无形资产V.S有形资产的区别)
2.Accounting treatments
考点4:Initial costs
考点5: Subsequent measurement -- amortization的计算 (考试难点)
3. Impact on financial statements
考点6:Impact on SPL
lResearch cost written off 研究和调研的支出作为费用计入SPL利润表
lDevelopment cost 不符合PIRATE test的,written off作为费用计入SPL利润表
lDevelopment cost符合PIRATE test 作为无形资产计入SOFP资产负债表之后,每年的摊销费用计入SPL
考点7:Impact on SOFP
lDevelopment cost符合PIRATE test capitalized资本化,作为无形资产计入SOFP资产负债表
l资产负债表中有关无形资产的数值为carrying value
lCarrying value =INA的cost - Accumulated amortization累计摊销
4. Disclosure in the notes (在报表附注中如何披露)(非F3考点)
Disclose details of the change (movement) in carrying value of a INA from the beginning to the end of the year

Intangible Non-current Asset (INA) 经典考法大揭秘
1 理论题考法
考法一:是不是INA?是Research expense还是 Development expense?
考法二:Research expense和 Development expense如何处理?
(1)written off as expense to SPL? 还是(2) capitalize as INA to SOFP ?
2. 计算题考法
考法1:SPL里记多少expenses(research cost +amortization)?
考法2:SOFP里记多少intangible assets  (期初余额+本期增加-本期减少=期末余额)?
考法3:计算amortization 是多少(用INA的值-不能amortized development cost)?