ACCA 将于2018年9月考季开始实施ACCA考试科目P1(公司治理)与ACCA考试科目P3(商业分析)合并的新科目“Strategic Business Leader”考试,该科目的官方认证教材也于2017年10月出版。这就意味着大家最后一次报考ACCA考试科目P1、ACCA考试科目P3的时间是2018年6月份。ACCA电子教材&考试资料较全汇总,戳:ACCA电子教材+资料汇总【含考前必刷题】

➤ 改革原因分析:


在逐渐发展的商业环境中,Governance,Risk以及Strategy逐渐难以分离,同时Ethic和Professional Skill也逐渐受到重视,所以原来的P1/P3课程取消,设置Strategic Business Leader课程。


➤ 改革后对考生有什么影响:


  • 合并后的P1P3新科目 “Strategic Business Leader”的考试时间从之前的3小时变成4小时,这对同学们应该会提出更大的挑战;

  • 考核目标从背书、计算转变到商业分析,而中国学生对于商业分析类的掌握不如计算、背书记忆类拿手。

  • 时间有限,如果截至到6月份只过了P1、P3中的一门,都需要重新参加新科目的考试;




1、如果ACCA考试科目P1P3两门科目都通过了的学员,将会转换成为新的科目Strategic Business Leader,成绩科目保留。

2、如果P1P3两门科目只通过一门的学员,通过的一门成绩将会作废,学员需要参加Strategic Business Leader的考试。

3、建议学生或在2018年9月之前通过P1P3考试,或者在2018年9月之后直接参加Strategic Business Leader的考试。


➤ 下面,重点给大家介绍一下SBL考试:




分数设置:Technique占80%;Ethics & Professional Skill 占20%


所以,建议大家在考SBL之前把Ethics and Professional Skills Module做完,这对通过SBL至关重要。




而科目的考试方式也不再会有简单的论述题,简单题,而更多的是将考生置于不同的工作环境中,考察考生利用不同的Skills处理实际工作问题的能力,处理过程是否注意到了Ethics的要求等等,所以仅仅依靠死记硬背很可能在考试中遭遇重大失利。考试时间虽然延长到了4个小时, ACCA协会希望给到学生更多的时间去Reading & Thinking。








ACCA’s latest innovations to the top level of its qualification are new Strategic Professional level exams which will replace the existing Professional level exams in September 2018 and a new Ethics and Professional Skills module, which will be introduced in October 2017.


The redesign enhances the breadth and depth of the qualification, with greater focus on employability and the practical application of core skills in the contemporary workplace and includes:


Strategic Business Leader – an innovative case study exam, based on a realistic business scenario. This gives students the skills and technical expertise required by modern business where decisions need to be made, measured and effectively communicated to the wider organisation.


Strategic Business Reporting – a new exam exposing students to the wider context of finance and business reporting, giving them the vital skills needed to explain and communicate to stakeholders the implications of transactions and reporting.


An Ethics and Professional Skills module - making modifications to the existing ethics module, which ACCA was the first professional body to offer to students in 2008. This new module will equip them with the professional skills that are needed in the modern workplace.
