今天Amber老师给大家讲一下MA考试中的两种关于EOQ的常考易错题型~ 同学们大家好,今天Amber老师给大家讲一下MA考试中的两种关于EOQ的常考易错题型,也就是EOQ与bulk discount结合的题目和公式中元素变化时EOQ和总成本如何变化。这两种题型深入考察了我们对知识点的理解,要做正确就需要对EOQ的本质和假设都有很好的理解。掌握这个易错点,对树立考前信心非常重要。所以今天老师通过讲题的方式,跟大家讲解一下考试中,这类题易错点在哪儿,以及遇到类似的问题怎么处理。
  Demand: 150 units per month; price per unit: $25;order cost:32; holding cost: 18% p.a. of price.
  Following discounts apply:
  Discount of 1% given on orders of 150 and over; Discount of 2% given on orders of 300 and over; Discount of 4% given on orders of 800 and over
  Question: the minimum total cost are?
  解析:EOQ=根号下2CoD/Ch = 根号下2*32*150*12/(25*18%)=160unit>150, 1% discount applied; Recalculate=根号下2*32*150*12/(25*99%*18%)约等于161
  考察知识点:EOQ与bulk discount结合求最低total cost。
  A supplier offer a 3% discount to the order over the 500 unit; The C company is past reordering quantity is EOQ 300 units.
  If the bulk discount on the purchase price accepted, other variable remain unchanged。what would be the effect on the annual ordering costs and annual holding cost?
  A increase; decrease
  B increase; increase
  C decrease; increase
  D decrease; decrease
  解析:过去一次订购300. 现在接受打折,说明订购量超过500unit。annual ordering cost=Co*D/Q,因为订货量增加,所以订货次数D/Q减小,annually ordering cost减少;Q增加,annual holding cost=Ch*Q/2,平均库存Q/2增加,所以annual holding cost增加。
  What the effect on EOQ and the total annual holding cost of an increase in the cost of the ordering a batch of raw material(other variables remain unchanged)?
  A  higher;lower
  B  higher;higher
  C  lower;higher
  D  lower;lower
  解析:Co增加,EOQ公式分母增加,其他不变所以EOQ增加;EOQ增加导致average inventory=EOQ/2增加,所以holding cost=Ch*average inventory就增加。
    考察知识点:EOQ公式,total holding cost公式