01  什么叫Money laundering?
有些钱款的来路不正,不是合法的,即为“黑钱”(dirty money)。把黑钱变成合法收入(clean money)的过程,就叫洗钱。
02  Money laundering三步骤
也就是把非法收入与合法收入混合放在一起。特别存在于现金大量流通的行业(cash-based business)。
而刚才说的投币式洗衣店正是cash-based business的一种,这种特殊的行业性质特别容易有洗黑钱的风险,因为里面的任何一台洗衣机到底收了多少钱是不知道的。
transfer of money from place to place,通过复杂的交易隐藏非法收入,转移财产。比较常见的就是将钱款转移到海外。这样就加大了追查的难度
大家在考试中需要理解与背诵洗黑钱的三个步骤。当然真正在现实中,这三个步骤都是交织的。在世界各国洗钱都是一个非常严重的刑事犯罪行为,各个事务所都应该实行相关的反洗钱程序,于是anti-Money laundering就来了
03  如何Anti-Money laundering
AML procedures which audit firm should have in place:
1.Appointment of a Money Laundering Reporting Officer(MLRO),who should have a suitable level of seniority and experience;usually this would be a senior partner in the audit firm
2.Conduct customer due diligence procedures.(KYC)Audit firms must establish the identity of clients using documents such as certificates of incorporation and passports,and should obtain information about business activities in order to gain an understanding of matters such as sources of income,and the rationale for business transactions
3.Enhanced record keeping.Audit firm must ensure that it maintains records of client identification procedures,and of all transactions relevant to audit clients,for example,the receipt of cash for services performed.
4.Communication and training.A training programme is essential,to ensure that individuals are aware of the relevant legislation and regulations regarding money laundering.Individuals should also be trained in the firm’s identification,record keeping and reporting policies.
04  Three categories of offence
being the offences of concealing,disguising,converting,transferring,or removing criminal property from the UK
(b)Failure to report(未报告罪)
针对的人群是一般是会计师,比如会计师虽未参与洗钱,但明知道自己的老板在洗钱,没有向National crime agency报告,此时便是failure to report。
(c)Tipping off(通风报信罪)
例如警察要去抓捕洗钱犯,结果审计师/会计师给他打电话,通风报信,安排其逃跑。这是比较明显的通风报信罪。另外一类需要注意的是,审计师在审计过程发现了洗钱行为,并在和罪犯交谈的过程中让罪犯发现审计师在调查他的洗钱行为,导致罪犯提前逃走,也被算作Tipping off。