美国注册公共会计师协会(American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), 成立于1887年,原名为美国公共会计师协会(AAPA),1917年改为美国会计师协会(AIA), 至1953年改为现名。它是世界上会员最多的会计师组织,在国际同行内影响比较大,但由于三方面原因目前尚未进入中国大陆:
  (No application will be processed without payment)
  Employed in business and industry as
  47 President/CEO/COO $240
  48 CFO/Officer - Financial / Non-accounting $240
  49 Officer - Non-financial / Non-accounting $240
  50 Financial / Accounting Management $140
  52 Financial / Accounting Staff $140
  53 Internal Auditer $140
  54 Staff - Non-financial / Non-accounting $140
  然而是AICPA的会员,并不等于是CPA!!这只是说你 As an AICPA member, you receive exclusive offers and discounts from leading manufacturers and service providers. Members who take advantage of these programs save an average of $900 per year -- all because of the AICPA\'s considerable group buying power. 同时还享用aicpa提供的服务,例如网站内的 case study.
  To become a CPA, you need to meet the requirements of the state or jurisdiction in which you wish to practice. These requirements, which vary from state to state, are established by law and administered by the state boards of accountancy.
  To qualify for certification, you must:
  - complete a program of study in accounting at a college/university (the AICPA recommends at least 150 semester hours of college to study to obtain the common body of knowledge for becoming a CPA.)
  - pass the Uniform CPA Examination, which is developed and graded by the AICPA; and-have a certain amount of professional work experience in public accounting (not all states require this).
  这些关于aicpa,cpa 的具体情况,大家可以去他们的网站www.aicpa.org 了解更多。我只是选出可能是大家最关心的部分。
  那么cpa考试又是怎么回事呢?简单的说,对于cicpa会员来说,这考试不是一项条件,但如果考过了,拿的不叫 membership, 而是associate membership,会费便宜一些,$100; 对于cpa证书来说,这考试只是条件之一。
  The Uniform CPA Examination will be delivered in a computer-based format beginning April 5, 2004. The final paper-based version of the CPA examination will be given on November 5 and 6, 2003.
  The following table compares the content areas tested in each section under the current structure and under the proposed structure. The percentages refer to the amount of topical coverage within the specified section of the examination. The material differences between the structures are as follows:
  Current Examination
  1.Auditing 100%
  2.Financial Accounting & Reporting 100%
  3.Accounting & Reporting
  - Taxation 60%
  - Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 30%
  - Managerial (measurement)10%
  4.Law & Professional Responsibilities
  - Business Structure 20%
  - All areas other than Business Structure 80%
  Proposed Examination
  1.Auditing & Attestation 100%
  2.Financial Accounting & Reporting
  - Business enterprises 80%
  - Governmental entities 10%
  - Not-for-profit organizations 10%
  - Taxation 60%
  - Law & Professional Responsibilities (all areas other than Business Structure) 40%
  4.Business Environment & Concepts
  - Business Structure 20%
  - Measurement (managerial) 10%
  - All areas other than Business Structure and Measurement (not separately tested on current examination)70%
  总的来说,成为aicpa会员、拿到cpa证书,跟成为ACCA会员、拿到acca证书是不同的概念。后者是指你成为了acca这个组织认可的专业人士,这个资格的意义在于你的雇主是否承认acca的权威性,这在全球多个国家是承认的,包括中国,承认的话工作就没问题了。而前者,成为aicpa会员,it means nothing in profession;拿到cpa证书,在美国工作是没有问题的,但强调一点:各州对于拿到这个证书所要求的学习时间、工作时间、每年的后续教育时间都不同;从一个州转去另一个州,原来的cpa是否被认可也说不准。如果你知道自己要去哪个州,就不仅仅是看www.aicpa.org, 一定要看那个州的cpa网页,比如去纽约,要看 http://www.nysscpa.org 。
  反过来,没有cpa证书能否在美国从事财会工作呢?能。cpa是可以执业的,一般的财会工作没那么高要求,看看招聘的网页,比较 popular 的是 http://www.monster.com 用 accountant 或 accounting manager 搜索职位,就知道这方面的工作要求是什么了,基本上,accountant 不需要 cpa, 只需要Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from a four-year college or university。而 accouting manager 是 CPA preferred, not required. 很多去美国的华人读mcc,那对找工作来说是足够的。
  抛开证书不说,美国GAAP和英国GAAP也相当不同。以前一直以为,英美,英美,在会计制度上应该差不多吧,至少也互通吧。后来才知道挺不同的。有朋友开玩笑说,没有一个证是完全全球通行,如果你要去阿富汗工作,应该考的是 Afghancpa.老外,特别是打算做财务的老外,他们基本上是在一个地区从小活到老,不会象咱中国人这么勇敢和好学,跑去那么远的地方住还要考那么多试。居然有人把几个国家的会计考试作比较,在他们看来也许挺奇怪的