小编导读:考官文章主要有三类,即Examiner's report这个应该是考官的测评,即他对考生答题情况的分析报告;Examiner's guidance 这个应该是考点指导;Technical articals就你提供的三个选项看,建议考生考前*4能够仔细阅读考官的文章,这样对考试的出题方向有所把握,下面是考官对于P3科目商务分析考前总结,希望对大家有帮助。
  The tasks of the project manager can be summarised as:
  · Ensuring that the PID is comprehensive. This can be a complex task because it will mean ensuring that deliverables, budget, resources, project team, deadlines and so on have been determined. As was emphasised earlier, there is no point
  embarking on a semi-defined project, so the project manager should be strong enough to resist management pressure to be seen to be doing something. If the project is started before the PID is complete, things will be done but they will probably be the wrong things.
  · Communication with the sponsors. Even when projects run smoothly, sponsors will expect updates on progress. Often, however, even in well planned projects, problems will be encountered and it is then that communication with the sponsors is particularly important. This will keep the sponsors informed but will also give the sponsors opportunities to make choices, for example to spend more or to cut back on deliverables.
  · Team leading. The project team is likely to consist of people from a number of departments with different skills and priorities. The project manager should be capable of creating a cohesive, well motivated team where participants work well together.
  · Communication with sub-contractors and regulatory authorities.
  · Technical appreciation of project issues. For example, someone running a construction project will need to understand relevant technical issues when these are raised in meetings.
  · Organisational ability, including the ability to delegate tasks.
  · Technical competence in project management. For example, an understanding of critical path analysis (to monitor and control progress through time), and cost reports to monitor and control expenditure.
  · An ability to balance project cost, time, scope, and quality.