        Professional and ethical duty of the accountant
  1 Ethical theory:
  A key debate in ethical theory is whether ethics can be determined by objective, universal principles. How important the consequences of actions should be in determining an ethical position is also a significant issue. 1E4`&?
  Ethical relativism and non-cognitivism: /Zx"BSu
  .Relativism is the view that a wide variety of acceptable ethical beliefs and practices exist. The ethics that are most appropriate in a given situation will depend on the conditions at that time. Wap\J7NY
  Ethical absolutism and cognitivism: T0b/txS
  Absolutism is the view that there is an unchanging set of ethical principles that will apply to all situations, at all times and in all societies. A%&lW9z7
  Deontological ethics: od,,2pwK+
  Deontology is concerned with the application of absolute, universal ethical principles in order to arrive at rules of conduct, the word deontology being derived from the Greek for duty. [L|vBr
  Teleological or consequentialist ethics: *Csxf[O
  There are two versions of consequentialist ethics: DM\pi9
  Utilitarianism – what is best for the greatest number 3{ea~G)[9
  Egoism – what is best for me >*+n`"6
  The teleological approach to ethics is to make moral judgments about courses of action by reference to their outcomes or consequences. W%9~'pXgB
  Utilitarianism is the best-known formulation of this approach and can be summed up in the greatest good principle – greatest happiness of the greatest number. o62GEl25
  Teleological or consequentialist ethics: egoism 8LuU2Lo
  Egoism states that an act is ethically justified if decision-makers freely decide to pursue their own short-term desires or their long-term interests. The subject to all ethical decisions is the self.