问题 :Ian is an accountant and one of his clients is Jet, who runs an illegal operation as well as some other legitimate businesses. Jet approached Ian for advice as to how he should deal with the ...
2016-02-06问题:In the context of companies in financial difficulty, distinguish between and explain the operation of:(a) compulsory winding up; 解析: This question requires candidates to explain the mean...
2015-08-28问题 :In the context of corporate governance, explain the rules relating to the appointment, duties and powers of a company secretary in a public limited company. 答案 :This question requires c...
2015-08-28问题 :With regard to payment for shares in the context of capital maintenance, explain the meaning and legal effect of the following:(a) issuing shares at a premium; 答案 :In order to register ...
2015-08-28问题 :Explain the documents necessary, and the procedure to be followed, in registering a public limited company under the provisions of the Companies Act 2006. 答案 :Section 7 Companies Act 20...
2015-08-28问题 :In the context of employment law, state how the courts decide whether someone is self-employed or is an employee. 答案 : Employees are people working under a contract of service. Those wh...
2015-08-28问题:In relation to remedies for breach of contract, explain: (a) the difference between liquidated damages and penalty clauses; 答案: (a) Liquidated damages and penalty clauses It is possible,...
2015-08-28问题 :Describe the structure and functions of the main civil courts in the English legal system, including the Supreme Court. 答案 :The civil court structure in ascending order of authority is ...
2015-08-28问题 :You are an audit manager in NAB Co, a large audit firm which specialises in the audit of retailers. The firm currently audits Goofy Co, a food retailer, but Goofy Cos main competitor, Mickey ...
2015-08-28问题 :ISA 570 Going Concern provides guidance to auditors in respect of ensuring that an entity can continue as a going concern. Required: Explain the actions that an auditor should carry out to tr...
2015-08-28Question :A company arranges a borrowers option. The notional principal is $5 million, the strike rate is 6.5% and the interest period is nine months (270 days). At the options expiry date, LIBOR is 7.6%. What will be the payment to settle the option agreement, ignoring discounting? Assume a year of 360 days. A. There will be no payment B. $39,025.54 C. $41,250.00 D. $39,332.54 The correct answer.........
2015-11-24问题 :Mahmood is a junior employee of Tzo Company (a large, listed company). Tzo is a processor of food labelled as containing only high quality meat. The company enjoys the trust and confidence of its customers because of its reputation for high quality products. One day, when passing through one area of the plant, Mahmood noticed some inferior meat being mixed with the normal product. He felt.........
2015-09-06问题 :Ian is an accountant and one of his clients is Jet, who runs an illegal operation as well as some other legitimate businesses. Jet approached Ian for advice as to how he should deal with the gains he makes from the illegal operation. Ian suggested that, rather than try to use his existing legitimate businesses to disguise the source of the money, Jet should use his legally made money to b.........
2016-02-06问题:In the context of companies in financial difficulty, distinguish between and explain the operation of:(a) compulsory winding up; 解析: This question requires candidates to explain the meaning of the terms compulsory winding up and administration. (a) Winding up, or liquidation, is the process whereby the life of the company is terminated. It is the formal and strictly regulated procedu.........
2015-08-28高顿网校小编为各位ACCA学员整理了一些科目的精选练习题,希望大家查漏补缺,对考试有所帮助。 4A companys policy as regards depreciation of its plant and machinery is to charge depreciation at 20 per cent per year on cost, with proportional depreciation for items purchased or sold during a year. The companys plant and machinery at cost account for the year ended.........
2015-08-03高顿网校小编为各位ACCA学员整理了一些科目的精选练习题,希望大家查漏补缺,对考试有所帮助。 PreparingFinancial Statements (International Stream) PART1 THURSDAY 10 JUNE 2004 QUESTION PAPER Time allowed 3 hours This paper is divided into two sections Section AALL 25 questions are compulsory and MUST be answered Section BALL FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST.........
2015-08-03高顿网校小编为各位ACCA学员整理了一些科目的精选练习题,希望大家查漏补缺,对考试有所帮助。 4(Managing Information Systems) An organisation is reviewing the way that Information System (IS) projects are accounted for in the organisation. At present the Information Systems department (which undertakes the IS projects) is a non-recharged cost centre. However, th.........
2015-08-03高顿网校小编为各位ACCA学员整理了一些科目的精选练习题,希望大家查漏补缺,对考试有所帮助。 Section A ALL THREE questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted The following information should be used when answering questions 1, 2 and 3. Scenario CAET have implemented a bespoke Human Resources (HR) system. The system has gone live but it has not proved very pop.........
2015-08-03高顿网校小编为各位ACCA学员整理了一些科目的精选练习题,希望大家查漏补缺,对考试有所帮助。 1. 抵押贷款是【 】 A. 一方以资产为担保借钱给另一方 B.一种法律责任,以拥有的资产作担保的一项贷款 C.一方向另一方借钱,并且以财产作担保,但不一定承担法律责任 D.将款项支付给贷出方,其担保物是.........
2015-08-03高顿网校小编为各位ACCA学员整理了一些科目的精选练习题,希望大家查漏补缺,对考试有所帮助。 1.在有限责任公司中,所有者的责任仅限于【】 A.公司的债务B. 已发行普通股的市场价值 C. 已发行普通股的票面价值D. 注册资本的价值 2. 历史成本原则【】 A. 不适用于资产负债表上的任何资产项目 B.适用于.........
2015-08-03高顿网校小编为各位ACCA学员整理了一些科目的精选练习题,希望大家查漏补缺,对考试有所帮助。 Required: (i) Explain the three levels of Kohlbergs theory. (6 marks) (ii) Identify the level that Mr Mineta operated at and justify your choice using evidence from the case. (4 marks) (iii) Identify, with reasons, the stage (or plane) of K.........
2015-08-03高顿网校小编为各位ACCA学员整理了一些科目的精选练习题,希望大家查漏补缺,对考试有所帮助。 Another derivatives trader in the Philos office,Emma Hubu,spoke to the media informally. She said that Mr Mineta was brilliant and highly motivated but that he often said that he didnt care about the trading rules. Miss Hubu explained that Mr Mineta didnt believe in.........
2015-08-03高顿网校小编为各位ACCA学员整理了一些科目的精选练习题,希望大家查漏补缺,对考试有所帮助。 1 Global-bank is a prominent European bank with branches throughout Europe and investment arms in many locations throughout the world. It is regarded as one of the worlds major international banks. Through its network of investment offices throughout the world,fund ma.........
2015-08-03高顿网校小编为各位ACCA学员整理了一些科目的精选练习题,希望大家查漏补缺,对考试有所帮助。 二、多项选择题 1.下列关于项目评价的投资人要求的报酬率的表述中,不正确的有( )。 A.它因项目的市场风险大小不同而异 B.它不受不同时期无风险报酬率高低不同的影响 C.它不受企业负债比重和债务成本高.........