Question:The assessment of which of the following is likely to be the most subjective?
  A. The company will fail to achieve a return on capital employed of 10%
  B. The amount that shareholders' wealth will diminish if share price drops by 5%
  C. The threat to cash flow of the company's biggest customer failing to pay its bills on time
  D. The maximum value of inventory that will be lost if a factory is burgled
  The correct answer is: The company will fail to achieve a return on capital employed of 10%. Although 10% is an objective figure, the risks of it not being achieved depend on various factors that have to be assessed subjectively.
  Inventory records should show what it is in inventory and therefore indicate the value lost if all inventory is stolen. The threat to cash flow will depend on the value of sales, which is a verifiable figure. The impact of a 5% fall in share price can be calculated precisely.