据高顿网校小编所知,ACCA F8的难度在于纯理论,逻辑性极强,这对于大多数未接触过实际的审计过程的在校生来说无疑是一个很大的挑战。但是,为了应付考试,大可不必如此犯难,谁让我们要如何50分万岁呢!法宝1:梳理全书
Part A,B,C外部审计基础理论;
Part D审计思路或审计计划;
Part E,F,G审计可用的工具;
Part H,I出具审计报告的步骤;
Part J工作底稿。
A-C 理论:背   (投入度 两星)
D-H 工具:用   (投入度 三星)
I-J 补充:懂   (投入度 一星)
在知晓山顶和通往山顶的路径之后,余下的便是我们自己一步一个脚印地往上爬了。既然抬头就能仰望星空,那举步便要脚踏实地,荆棘、岔路都不足为惧,勇气和信心会帮助我们克服一切。AZA! AZA! 88在召唤你!
下面是一篇*7的考官文章,小编替大家选了audit risk,why I choose it,obviously,it is so important that I have to amphasize it.审计风险的概念涉及到FAU,F8和P7,在此小编专门挑出有关F8的内容来跟大家分享。
According to the IAASB Glossary of Terms (1), audit risk is defined as follows:
‘The risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the financial statements are materially misstated. Audit risk is a function of material misstatement and detection risk.’
根据IAASB Glossary of Terms(1),审计风险被定义为:审计风险(AR)是指当财务报表出现重大错报时审计人员发表了不恰当的审计意见,它由重大错报风险(RMM)和查处风险(DR)组成,即AR=RMM*DR。RMM与被审计的企业本身相关,戏称“企业先天不足”;DR则与审计自身相关。一般设定AR为5%,RMM是不可控因素,审计人员只能根据RMM的大小来调节DR,也就是调节工作量的大小。
Audit risk is fundamental to the audit process because auditors cannot and do not attempt to check all transactions. Students should refer to any published accounts of large companies and think about the vast number of transactions in a statement of comprehensive income and a statement of financial position. It would be impossible to check all of these transactions, and no one would be prepared to pay for the auditors to do so, hence the importance of the risk?based approach toward auditing. Traditionally, auditors have used a risk-based approach in order to minimise the chance of giving an inappropriate audit opinion, and audits conducted in accordance with ISAs must follow the risk?based approach, which should also help to ensure that audit work is carried out efficiently, using the most effective tests based on the audit risk assessment. Auditors should direct audit work to the key risks (sometimes also described as significant risks), where it is more likely that errors in transactions and balances will lead to a material misstatement in the financial statements. It would be inefficient to address insignificant risks in a high level of detail, and whether a risk is classified as a key risk or not is a matter of judgment for the auditor.
There are many references throughout the ISAs to audit risk, but perhaps the two most important audit risk-related ISAs are as follows:
ISA 200, Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with ISAs
ISA 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement Through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment
ISA 315 deals with the auditor’s responsibility to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement in the financial statements through an understanding of the entity and its environment, including the entity’s internal controls and risk assessment process. The first version of ISA 315 was originally published in 2003 after a joint audit risk project had been carried out between the IAASB, and the United States Auditing Standards Board. Changes in the audit risk standards have arguably been the single biggest change in auditing standards in recent years, so the significance of ISA 315, and the topic of audit risk, should not be underestimated by auditing students.
The requirements of ISA 315 are summarised in the following table.
(1). The auditor shall perform risk assessment procedures in order to provide a basis for the identification and assessment of the risks of material misstatement.
(2). The auditor is required to obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment, including the entity’s internal control systems.
(3). The auditor shall identify and assess the risks of material misstatement, and determine whether any of the risks identified are, in the auditor’s judgement, significant risks. This is in order to provide a basis for designing and performing further audit procedures.
(4). ISA 330 then deals with the required responses to assessed risks.
(1) 审计人员应该实行分析评估程序为重大错报风险的确认和评估提供基础支持;
(2) 审计人员需要了解要求及其环境,包括企业的内控系统;
(3) 审计人员应该确认和评估审计风险并根据专业判断决定它们是否是重大风险。这是为了设计和执行进一步的审计程序提供基础;
(4) 风险评估出来以后,再以此为导向,ISA330来解决查处风险(DR)。
Finally, it is important to make reference to the so called traditional audit risk model, which pre-dates ISA 315, but continues to remain important to the audit process. The audit risk model breaks audit risk down into the following three components:
Inherent risk
This is the susceptibility of an assertion about a class of transaction, account balance, or disclosure to a misstatement that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, before consideration of any related controls.
Control risk
This is the risk that a misstatement could occur in an assertion about a class of transaction, account balance or disclosure, and that the misstatement could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, and will not be prevented or detected and corrected, on a timely basis, by the entity’s internal control.
Detection risk
This is the risk that the procedures performed by the auditor to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists and that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements.
The concept of audit risk is of key importance to the audit process and Paper F8 students are required to have a good understanding of what audit risk is, and why it is so important. For the purposes of the Paper F8 exam, it is important to understand that audit risk is a very practical topic and is therefore examined in a very practical context. Any definition or explanation of the audit risk model itself will usually only be allocated a small number of marks, but many students still include such definitions in answers to case study and scenario questions which require a practical application of audit risk assessment procedures. Students must also be prepared to apply their understanding of audit risk to questions and come up with appropriate risk assessment procedures.