- Law and the legal system
- Sources of law
- Formation of contract
- Content of a contract
- Breach of contract and remedies
- Employment contract
- Dismissal and redundancy
- Agency law
- Partnerships
- Corporations and legal personality
- The formation and constitution of a company
- Share capital
- loan capital
- Capital maintenance and dividend law
因为F4考试题型的改变,增加了45道选择题,所以基本上考官也会尽全力在考题中涵盖所有知识点。但是仍然还有5道case题要去分析,由于英国法律是判例法体系,所以案例是case题答题的重点,没有案例支撑的答案在Section B是得不了高分的,同时尽量增加答案篇幅。

F9《财务管理》目前*7的考题形式是20道2%的选择题(MCQ)及5道大题,3道10%,2道15%。2道15%*6分值的大题有可能是最简单的两个parts,即Working capital 和 investment appraisal。所以,下面这些请各位看官准备扎实噜。
Part A:Financial management function
a. Nature and purpose of financial management
b. Financial objectives
c. Management reward scheme
d. Not-for-profit organisations
Part B:Financial management environment
1. Economic environment
2. Financial markets
Part C:Working capital management
- EOQ model
- Bulky discount
- Average inventory level
Part D:Investment appraisal
- Non-DCF methods
- DCF methods
a. NPV
b. IRR
- Risk and uncertainty
- Specific investment decisions
Part E:Business finance
• gearing ratios and interest cover
• traditional,MM, and pecking order
• Project Specific cost of capital
Part F:Business valuation
• Valuation of equity
• Market efficiency
Part G:Risk management
- Exchange rate
- Interest rate
Part A Role and responsibility towards stakeholders
通常是让你use ratio analysis, trends, EVA, MVA etc. to *uate financial performance(今年6月曾考过)或者Grasp the calculation of FCF, FCFEto determine dividend capacity(近两年没考过)。
Part B Economic environment for multinational organisations
- The role of international financial institutionssuch as EU, WTO, IMF, World Bank etc.
- Listing requirementsof stock exchange
- Risks faced by multinational companies such as political, legal, cultural risks and agency issues
Part C Advanced investment appraisal
一般会让你Using NPV, IRR, MIRR, VAR, FCFEto *uate projects,同时请掌握:
- Valuation of options using BSOP model
- Understand real optionsand valuation using BSOP model
- Grasp the steps and possible adjustments involved in APV(Pilot Paper中出现)
(i) The calculations of APV
(ii) The appraisals of APV
Part D Acquisition and mergers
Type 3 acquisition (Iterative r*uation procedures)
(i) Calculate the value of targeted company
(ii) Calculate the value of combined company
(iii) The premium should be paid
(iv)Non-financial factors should be considered
Part E Reconstruction and reorganisation
- Financial reconstruction and firm value
- Leveraged buy-outs
- Management buy-outs
Part F Treasury and advanced risk management techniques
Use Deltato calculate the number of contracts needed for hedging
Part G Emerging issues in finance and financial management
- Developments in world financial markets
- Developments in Islamic financing