
  ACCA F9科目是ACCA的技能阶段科目中最后一个,难度比之前的科目加大了不少,只要是因为审计是很多同学*9次接触,自然难度也就随之提高了。F9科目对于考生的考验是显而易见的,下面就为大家总结一下ACCA F9考试攻略,其中包括F9考试特点,注意事项,学习方法,希望对各位考生学习ACCA提供帮助!

      ACCA F9考试攻略之ACCA F9注意事项:


      ACCA F9考试攻略ACCA F9学习方法:

  F9大部分是分析题,一些简单的计算,基本不成问题。而剩下的就没有向F7那样容易分了,基本上都是重点,因此不能按照题型来复习,要按照书的框架来复习。基本上就是 1、WORKING CAPITAL,2、INVESTMENT,3、FINANCE AND CAPITAL COST 4,BUSINESS VALUE 5 RISK。

       ACCA F9考试攻略ACCA f9考试重点

  The Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  The IRR is another project appraisal method using DCF techniques.
  The IRR represents the discount rate at which the NPV of an investment is zero. As such it represents a breakeven cost of capital.
  Decision rule:
  Projects should be accepted if their IRR is greater than the cost of capital.
  Using the NPV method, PVs are calculated by discounting cash flows at a given cost of capital, and the difference between the PV of costs and the PV of benefits is the NPV. In contrast, the IRR method of DCF analysis is to calculate the exact DCF rate of return that the project is expected to achieve.
  If an investment has a positive NPV, it means it is earning more than the cost of capital. If the NPV is negative, it is earning less than the cost of capital. This means that if the NPV is zero, it will be earning exactly the cost of capital.
  Conversely, the percentage return on the investment must be the rate of discount or cost of capital at which the NPV equals zero. This rate of return is called the I RR or the DCF yield and if it is higher than the target rate of return then the project is financially worth undertaking.
  Calculating the IRR using linear interpolatingThe steps in linear interpolation are:
  Calculate two NPVs for the project at two different costs of capitalUse the following formula to find the IRR:
  L = Lower rate of interest
  H = Higher rate of interest
  NL = NPV at lower rate of interest
  NH = NPV at higher rate of interest.
  The diagram below shows the IRR as estimated by the formula