ACCA P7科目是ACCA的核心阶段的一门课程,从P1开始ACCA的难度会比之前F阶段加大许多,所以即使F阶段通过比较轻松的同学也,对于刚刚进入P阶段的考生来说困难还是比较大的,下面就为大家总结一下ACCA P7考试攻略,其中包括P7考试特点,注意事项,学习方法,希望对各位考生学习ACCA提供帮助!
ACCA P7考试攻略ACCA P7科目介绍
  ACCA P7考试攻略ACCA P7重要考点解析
  1、Necessary focus points for each sitting
  Topics which are certain to be examined in each sitting (about 80-100 marks)
        ① Ethical/professional/practice issues: (15 marks)
        -Ethical issues: independence threats and safeguards;
        - Professional issues: auditor’s professional liability under statute law and tort law;
        - Practices issues: advertising, tendering, publicity, obtaining professional work and fees, professional appointments, quality control
        ②Identification and explanation of audit risk or/and business risk (15 marks)
        ③Specific accounting issues about items in FSs, i.e. *uation and review (i) (ii) (iii): risks, materiality, specific accounting standards, audit procedures, impact on audit report. (40 marks)
        ④ Audit-related service or other assurance service: interim financial information review; due diligence; PFI; forensic auditing; social and environment auditing; internal auditing. (10 marks)
        ⑤Group auditing: (10-15 marks)
    2、Other areas which are likely examined
  ①Regulatory environment: corporate governance code; money laundering; law and regulations
        ② Current issues and development: auditor’s responsibility about these issues
        Detailed topics and questions for 2015.12 sitting
        ①Money laundering and PFI - 2014.6 Q2
  ②Going concern, ethical issues, audit opinion and report – 2011.6 Q2;
        ③Construction contract, discontinued operation, related party transactions – 2011.6 Q1
        ④Audit risks of consolidated financial statement, reliance on audit work of components, associates, grant – 2010.6 Q1
        ⑤Group audits, joint audit and transnational audit - 2012.12 Q2; 2009.6 Q2
        ⑥Audit report, emphasis of matter paragraph and other matter paragraph – 2010.6 Q5
        ⑦Other specific accounting issues: share-based payment; borrowing cost; government grant; employment benefits; segment reporting; deferred tax
ACCA P7考试攻略ACCA P7答题技巧:
  首先,作为P7基础的F8和P2要学习好。如果这两门的考试时间和P7的考试时间相隔不远的话,是非常有利的。我留有准备这两门考试时候的详细笔记,也很大程度上方便了复习P7时对以前基础知识的回顾。另外很多培训机构的讲义也非常好,归纳总结了每一个IFRS对应的常见的Audit Point,结合考题看这些讲义很利于培养审计人员应有的skepticism。
  再次,熟悉历年考题,总结做题的思路。F8和P7我都会把07年以后历年考题中同一个Topic的所有答案的每一个point抄写到一起,方便记忆,而且也利于答题时根据题目具体的环境展开思路。P7的难度在于考察对知识的运用,这就需要在平时做题时多总结做题的思路。P7种经常会遇到一类题目就是审计工作发现出了问题,问你应该怎么办,这种题目的思路就是*9,发现问题的时间,在出报告之前还是出报告之后会有不同的处理方法;第二出的问题的性质,是否是Material misstatement,也有不同的处理方法;第三,出问题的人员,是Senior还是Junior,公司也需要采取不同的措施。P7还有一类常见问题,要你评价编制报表中的一个会计处理,这种题目的思路就是*9,相应的IFRS的内容;第二,题目中的做法是否符合IFRS的规定,第三,若不是,计算出正确的金额以及对报表的影响;第四,重要性水平的计算,判断是否为Material misstatement;第五,对Audit report的影响,等等。