ACCA F9  Part B Financial management environment
  ·Part B 的内容更倾向于出现在选择题中。 ·理解宏观经济的目标·理解并能辨别不同的政策(eg. fiscal,monetary,exchange policy)·理解政策如何影响经济
  ·理解 risk –return trade off
  1、The economic environment for business
  a、Define main macro-economic targets (宏观经济目标)-Economic growth & high employment
  -Low inflation
  -Balance of payments stability
  b、The role of government policies in achieving targetsc、How the policies affect the business operation?
  2、Financial markets and institutions
  a、Financial intermediaries (The roles of these intermediaries)—Maturity transformation
  —Aggregation of funds
  —Pooling losses (Remember as MAP)
  b 、Money markets and capital markets instruments (Interest bearing vs Discount; OTC vs floor trading; Negotiable vs non-negotiable etc)c、Rates of interest and rates of return (Risk-return trade off)Risk-return trade off : investor in riskier assets expect to be compensated for the risk.
  Eg. Ordinary shares: Investors hope to achieve their return in the form of an increase in the share price as well as from dividends.
  ACCA F9  Part E  Business finance- Sources of finance
  ·理解 Debt finance (bank loan vs bonds) ·背诵 debt 相较于 Equity 的优点;·理解并熟练 rights issue 有关计算(易出选择题);·理解 Islamic finance(考试会有分值,但记忆较难,关键词简单记忆) ·理解中小企业融资(易出简答题)
        a、Short-term finance
TypesPros & cons
Overdraft: a limit is agreed with a bank, 
interest is paid on the daily cash balance,Flexible but risky ( instant call )
subject to instant recall 
Short-term loanMore secure than overdraft but less flexible
Trade credit (paying supplier later)Tempting but risks loss of supplier goodwill
& discount
Lease financeOperating leases
short-term finance is usually cheaper, but ‘ aggressive ’if rely mainly on short-term finance.

  b、Long-term finance (Debt vs Equity; Bond valuations; Rights issue) Debt vs Equity (debt’s advantage)—avoids dilution of control
  —avoids earning per share dilution
  —provides tax relief on interest payments
        Debt finance:
Bank loanBonds (debentures/ loan notes)
Available over a range of time periodsIOUs sold to investors, normally fixed
with flexible repayment schedulesinterest and redeemable (min £200,000)
Normally secured on the assets of theSecured & carry loan covenants
business by a fixed or floating charge
Must be repaid if loan covenants onOften be redeemed early at the company’s
gearing or assets disposal are brokendiscretion
 Credit rating
       c、Islamic finance :
  —Musharaka:venture capital
  —Mudaraba :equity
  d、Finance for small and medium sized firms