许多准备参加ACCA F8考试的考生都会比较关注所报科目的历年通过率情况,在碰到P阶段选修科目的时候更是希望选择历年通过率都比较高的科目来考。其实,通过率只是一个方面,并不能完全代表整体的情况,考生在报考和学习的时候并不用太过关注通过率这个问题。
  下面我们来看一下官方公布的*7的ACCA F8考试通过率的情况。

  可以看出,ACCA F8科目的通过率和之前的F6,F7科目差不多,都属于比较低,可见这几个科目的难度都相对比较高。特别是F8审计,很多同学在之前从来没接触过审计相关内容,觉得比较难也在情理之中,不过考生们跟着考纲学习,踏踏实实地学下来,通过F8也不是特别难。
  ACCA F8 分值构成情况:
  Part A – 20% (12 multiple choice questions: four questions for 1 mark each, eight for 2 marks each)Part B – 80% (six compulsory questions: four questions for 10 marks each, two questions for 20 marks each.
  The 10-mark questions cover all topics in the syllabus, most likely with each question focusing on one single syllabus area. These questions will either take the form of a short scenario, or knowledge-based requirements.
  Each of the 20-mark questions will cover multiple syllabus areas. They will be predominantly focused on planning and risk assessment (syllabus area B), internal control (syllabus area C) and audit evidence (syllabus area D). However, the audit framework and regulation (syllabus area A) and review and reporting(syllabus area E) can also feature.
  相信大家看完以后对于ACCA F8考试的通过率也有所了解了,赶快投身到学习当中去吧!