许多准备参加ACCA P2考试的考生都会比较关注所报科目的历年通过率情况,在碰到P阶段选修科目的时候更是希望选择历年通过率都比较高的科目来考。其实,通过率只是一个方面,并不能完全代表整体的情况,考生在报考和学习的时候并不用太过关注通过率这个问题。
  下面我们来看一下官方公布的*7的ACCA P2考试通过率的情况。

  可以看出,ACCA P2科目的通过率最近几年平均在50%左右,相对于后面选修的几门P阶段科目来说算是比较高的,相对于F阶段后面几科来说也相对略高一些,但是千万不可小看了P2科目的难度P阶段所有题型基本都以大题为主,都需要进行各种“长篇大论”,考生在参加P阶段考试之前一定要做好足够的心理准备去应对3个多小时的鏖战。
  ACCA P2分值构成情况:
  Section A will consist of one scenario based question worth 50 marks. It will deal with the preparation of consolidated financial statements including group statements of cash flows and with issues in financial reporting. A written part normally covering a particular accounting treatment and ethical and social issues in financial reporting.
  Students will be required to answer two out of three questions in Section B, which will normally comprise two questions which will be scenario or case-study based and one essay question which may have some computational element. Section B could deal with any aspects of the syllabus. New accounting standards will feature prominently in this section on initial introduction.
  相信大家看完以后对于ACCA P2考试的通过率也有所了解了,赶快投身到学习当中去吧!