1. Martha contributed fully depreciated, zero ($0) basis property valued at $16,000 to the
  MB Partnership in exchange for a 50% interest in partnership capital and profits. During the first year of partnership operations, MB had net taxable income of $5,000 and tax-exempt income of $6,000. The partnership distributed $4,000 cash to Martha. Her share of
  partnership recourse liabilities on the last day of the partnership year was $1,500. Martha’s adjusted basis for her partnership interest at year end is:
  A. $0
  B. $3,000
  C. $8,500
  D. $19,000
    【解析】Beginning Capital Account $ -0- Additions: Net taxable Income 5,000
  Tax Exempt 6,000
  × 50% $5,500
  Subtract: Distributions (4,000) Ending Capital Account 1,500
  Martha’s Share of
  Recourse Liabilities
  Ending Basis $3,000
  A is incorrect. A partner’s basis must be adjusted for her share of partnership income, separately stated items, distributions and her share of the partnership liabilities.
  C is incorrect. This answer incorrectly assumes Martha is credited with a basis increase of
  100% of Net taxable income and tax exempt income, not 50%.
  D is incorrect. This answer would have been obtained had the beginning capital account been
  $16,000. A partner’s basis in the partnership interest is the same basis as the property contributed.

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