美国CPA协会在今年8月加州阿纳海姆举行的年度会议上,奖励了一位名叫Andrey A.Stoyan 的毕业生“会计荣誉协会鼓舞奖(Beta Alpha Psi's Medal of Inspiration Award)”。美国CPA协会同时给予学生$5000美金的奖学金,以表彰这名学生在克服巨大的困难和逆境后所取得的成绩。
  Stoyan,是2013年加州圣地亚哥州立大学的会计专业毕业生,为了躲避社会的不公与压迫歧视于2008年从俄罗斯移民到美国,当时的Stoyan 身上只有仅仅的1000美金而且英语语言能力也很可怜。他说:“我想把我的经历分享给大家,因为我看到很多人在面对困难的时候失去了勇气,变得气馁,尤其是在接受教育方面,因此我真心希望我的经历能够鼓舞某些人能面对生活中的逆境,以及与社会相关的教育、经济状况、虐待、辱骂和仇恨。”
  美国CPA协会负责学术和职业发展的副会长Jeannie Patton说:“Andrey A.Stoyan克服祖国的歧视并最终实现了自己的梦想成为美国会计师的故事,将会鼓舞激励世界上很多处于相同困境的人们。他的坚持不懈、刻苦和对自己社区的奉献精神使他成为这次‘会计荣誉协会鼓舞奖’的a1人选。”
  Stoyan 今年秋季将作为BDO美国一家领先的会计和咨询机构的全职审计会计师并有资格在9月份申请加入美国国籍。
  The American Institute of CPAs awarded recent college graduate Andrey A. Stoyan the Beta Alpha Psi’s Medal of Inspiration Award during the honor organization’s annual meeting in Anaheim this August.
  The AICPA-sponsored award, with $5,000 cash stipend, is given to a student who has achieved success despite extreme hardships and adversity in his or her life.
  Stoyan, a 2013 San Diego State University accounting graduate, emigrated from Russia in 2008 to escape social intolerance and oppressive discrimination with only $1,000 and a limited knowledge of the English language.
  Andrey Stoyan
  “I wanted to share my story because I see many people discouraged by the hardships they face in life, especially when it comes to education, and I really hope that it can inspire someone who faced some adversities in life – be that related to education, economic situation, or mistreatment, abuse, and resentment from society,” Stoyan stated.
  While the United States granted Stoyan asylum, he didn’t have a high school diploma or GED and was unable to transfer his Russian transcripts to immediately enroll in SDSU’s accountancy program. Following two years at a local community college, however, Stoyan realized his goal when he was accepted by SDSU. There, Stoyan was elected vice president of professional development of SDSU’s chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, the honors organization for financial information and accounting students. He also interned with KPMG, volunteered on campus and in the local community, and worked 20 to 30 hours per week.
  “Andrey’s story of overcoming discrimination in his homeland and ultimately realizing his dream of becoming an accountant in the United States is an inspiration to those around the world who find themselves in similar situations,” said Jeannie Patton, AICPA vice president of academics, professional pathways and inclusion, in a statement. “His perseverance, hard work and dedication to his community made him an ideal choice for the Medal of Inspiration Award.”
  Stoyan will begin working as a full-time audit accountant with BDO this fall and is eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship in September.

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