  1. Raising Capital. Issuing debt or equity
  2. SWOT analysis
  3. 大公司和小公司 monitoring controls的区别
  --By Hiehiehie @4/8
  * The BOD of a company didn't consider the just-in-time system in the disaster recovery and business continuity plans. Advise the BOD on taking consideration of the JIT system in the plans;
  * Take 3 examples to persuade the BOD of a manufacturing company BOD to expand overseas;
  * The BOD of a banking company is considering forming a customer service committee on the Board. As a CFO, advise your CEO about the personnel to be included in the Committee, the time plan, and why should initiate the project.
  - by acentauri @4/2
  1, 一个公司准备用ERM,让你写一个memo,给board写的,还记得原词是establishment of ERM Program。
  2,一个公司要海外扩展,问rate对F/S 有什么影响。
  3, 一个饭店老板问你inflation的影响。
  - by wwtpanda @ 4/1
  Multiple Choices
  1. 给了sales BEP sale margin of safety, 求fix total cost
  2. 概念就是coso
  3. B1和B4被问了很多
  4.还考了sales volume
  --By Hiehiehie @4/8
  * SOX部分出题挺多;
  * Variance的题目大概6-7个;
  * 两个breakeven point in dollars;
  * 两个左右cost of capital
  * cash management - expedite collection
  * IT internal control有近10个题,一个control分别general control和application的题出现两次;
  - by acentauri @4/2
  IT的好多,基本所有的都不是Becker上的,至少becker上的我没考,所以都是蒙的,问了好多和IT有关的internal control,我的第三个testlet全是细节。
  Variance好像只有一个,Break Even的unite一个,就是公式算。
  我有一个很差的,被追了3道题,A/R 的turnover rate。有一道有点麻烦,什么换了新机器,增加了sales,什么的
  COSO的问了一些,但都是细节,没有Becker那么直接。Audit committee的 expert问了一道。大概就这些了。
  - by wwtpanda 4/1
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