营业外费用 non-operating expenses
  利息费用 interest expense
  利息费用 interest expense
  投资损失 investment loss
  权益法认列之投资损失 investment loss recog- nized under equity method
  短期投资未实现跌价损失 unrealized loss on reduction of short-term investments to market
  兑换损失 foreign exchange loss
  兑换损失 foreign exchange loss
  处分投资损失 loss on disposal of investments
  其它营业外费用 other non-operating expenses
  停工损失 loss on work stoppages
  灾害损失 casualty loss
  存货盘损 loss on physical inventory
  存货跌价及呆滞损失 loss for market price decline and obsolete and slow-moving inventories
  其它营业外费用-其它 other non-operating expenses- other
  所得税费用(或利益) income tax expense (or benefit)
  考前冲刺:AICPA 考试试题   考试辅导