2015年USCPA每日考点解析,当然不能放过周六周日啦!高顿网校小编郑重呈上3月15日考点解析。那么问题来了,各位学员有好好复习吗?任何不以通过USCPA考试的复习活动都是耍流氓!所以高顿网校为考生准备了史上最全的USCPA考试备考指南,轻松学习,简单、高效,让考试So Easy!了解详情>>
  On March 1, Year 1, Fine Co. borrowed $10,000 and signed a two-year note bearing interest at 12% per annum compounded annually. Interest is payable in full at maturity on February 28, Year 3. What amount should Fine report as a liability for accrued interest at December 31, Year 2?
  a. $0
  b. $1,200
  c. $1,000
  d. $2,320
  Choice "d" is correct.
  12%, 2-yr note payable $ 10,000
  Year 1 interest expense [12% x $10,000 x 10/12] 1,000
  Year 1 net liability 11,000
  Year 2 interest expense = [12% x $11,000] $ 1,320
  Accrued interest payable at 12/31/Year 2 equals $2,320 [$1,000 + $1,320]
  Choice "a" is incorrect. Accrued interest must be recognized and recorded during the term of the note.
  Choice "c" is incorrect. Year 1 accrued interest equals $1,000 [$10,000 x 12% x 10/12].
  Choice "b" is incorrect. This is simple interest on the original note [12% x $10,000] for one year and is not the accrued interest payable balance.