In gross method,if invoice was paid within the discount period,a purchase discount is credit.
In net method,if invoice was paid after the discount period,a purchase discount lost account is credit.
Sales taxes are not an expense of the company collecting the sales taxes from customers.
Sales taxes payable should be credited to a payable account after collection and until remitted.
Payroll deductions are items withheld from employees out of the gross pay on their paychecks. They do NOT represent an expense to the employer.
Unemployment taxes and the employer‘s share of payroll taxes should be accrued by the employer as an expense.
Notes must be recorded at present value.
Recording any difference between the face amount of the note and its present value as a discount or premium that must be amortized over the life of the note.
Common debt covenants
Limitations on issuing additional debt
Restrictions on the payment of dividends
Limitations on the disposal of certain assets
Minimum working capital requirements
Collateral requirements
Limitation on how the borrowed money can be used.
Maintenance of specific financial ratios