  Standard I: Professionalism (B): Independence and Objectivity
  Joshua Rosenberg, CFA, is an equity analyst who covers Northwest Implements, a farm implement manufacturer. Northwest's main factory is located in a sparsely inhabited region six hours by automobile from the nearest airport. Northwest has its own corporate jet and a landing strip is located near the facility. When Rosenberg contacts Northwest’s management to gather information for a report he is preparing on the company, Northwest’s chief financial officer, Thomas Blake, invites Rosenberg to visit Northwest’s headquarters and meet with management. Blake offers to send Northwest’s corporate jet to pick up Rosenberg from an airport near Rosenberg’s home and to return him home the same evening. Rosenberg estimates that it would require three days for him to make the visit using commercial travel. If Rosenberg accepts Blake’s offer and makes the trip to Northwest’s headquarters on the corporate jet, Rosenberg:
  A) has violated the Code and Standards unless he discloses the trip and the payment of his travel expenses in his report on Northwest.
  B) has not violated the Code and Standards.
  C) has violated the Code and Standards unless he reimburses Northwest for the cost of the trip.
  Answer: B
  Standard I(B) requires members to maintain independence and objectivity. A visit by an analyst to an out-of-the-way site may be paid for by a client company host as long as the analyst can maintain objectivity. Members should encourage clients to limit the use of corporate aircraft, but exceptions can be made if transportation would not otherwise be available or would be inefficient.
  不过,如果在缺乏公共交通工具的条件下,去到偏远地区,是可以接受对方做出合适的安排。本题公共交通(commercial travel)会花很多时间,非常不方便, 接受Blake提供的安排是合适的。