

CFA一级 2019年12月的通过率为42%
CFA一级 2020年12月的通过率为49%
CFA二级 2020年12月的通过率为55%
CFA三级 2019年6月的通过率为56%


CFA协会近日在官网发布了标题为《Investment Professionals Worldwide Pass CFA Program®Examinations》的文章,相当于是对2020年12月CFA考试情况的总结:
the December exam was administered in 170 test centers in 91 cities across 50 markets worldwide.
“CFA Institute,the global association of investment management professionals,reports that 6290 of the 11,330 Level III candidates who sat for the CFA examinations administered in December 2020 have passed,successfully completing the three levels on the way to becoming a charterholder.12,806 of the 26,212 Level I candidates passed and 10,025 of the 18,136 Level II candidates passed,thereby advancing to the next level.”
“全球投资管理专业人士协会CFA Institute报告说,参加2020年12月CFA考试的11330名三级考生中,有6290人通过了考试,在成为特许持有人的道路上顺利完成了三级考试。26212名一级考生中有12806人通过了考试,18136名二级考生中有10025人通过了考试,从而晋级下一级。
Peg Jobst,Managing Director of Credentialing at CFA Institute,commented:“CFA Institute uses rigorous,industry accepted processes to ensure we maintain a consistent and fair passing standard.Those who passed in December did so because of their perseverance in the face of unprecedented conditions.We anticipate that the pass rate may remain higher as the pandemic continues due to candidates’extended preparation time.”
CFA研究所认证主管Peg Jobst评论道:“CFA研究所采用严格的、行业认可的流程,确保我们保持一致和公平的通过标准。去年12月过关的人之所以这么做,是因为他们在前所未有的条件下坚忍不拔。我们预计,由于考生的准备时间延长,随着大流行的持续,通过率可能会保持较高。”