CFA一级考试的Derivatives(金融衍生品)具体的内容知识点包含1个study session,3个reading。
其中,Reading 57对衍生品市场进行了区别,并对4大类衍生品进行了基本定义;
Reading 58讲衍生品的定价和估值的基本原理,并对4大类衍生品的基本定价做了介绍;
Reading 59对期权做了进一步分析,介绍两种期权及两种期权策略的应用。
从考试的重要度来看,Reading 58、Reading 59是最重要的,Reading 57其次,其他Reading重要性不大。
★ Reading 57:Derivative Markets and Instruments(金融衍生品市场及工具)
★ Reading 58:Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation(金融衍生品基本定价和估值原理)
★ Reading 59:Risk Management Applications of Option Strategies(风险管理应用:期权策略)
Covered call和protective put的到期价值、利润、小盈亏、盈亏平衡点的计算。
"Derivative"Exercise:Spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate

Questions 1:

There are two forward contracts,contract 1 and contract 2,on the same underlying.The underlying makes no cash payments,does not yield any nonfinancial benefits,and does not incur any storage costs.Contract 1 expires in one year,and contract 2 expires in two years.It is most likely that the price of contract 1:
A、is equal to the price of contract 2.
B、is less than the price of contract 2.
C、exceeds the price of contract 2.
【Answer to question 1】B
B is correct.The forward price is the spot price compounded at the risk-free rate over the life of the contract.Because contract 2 has the longer life,compounding will lead to a larger value.
A is incorrect.The price of contract 1 will be less than the price of contract 2.
C is incorrect.The price of contract 1 will be less than the price of contract 2.
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Questions 2:

For a forward contract with a value of zero,a situation where the spot price is above the forward price is best explained by high:
A、interest rates.
B、storage costs.
C、convenience yield.
【Answer to question 2】C
C is correct.If the convenience yield is high,holding the underlying confers large benefits,thus the spot price can exceed the forward price for a forward contract with a value of zero.Based on the formula
Derivative exercise:Spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate
and an initial value Vt(0)of zero,large benefitsγexplain why the spot price can exceed the forward price.
A is incorrect.High interest rates make the forward contract more valuable.Thus the forward rate is above the spot rate.
B is incorrect.High storage costs make the forward contract more valuable.Thus the forward rate is above the spot rate.
以上就是【CFA衍生品练习题"Derivative"Exercise:Spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate】的全部内容,如果你想学习更多CFA相关知识,欢迎大家前往高顿教育官网CFA频道!在这里,你可以学习更多精品课程,练习更多重点试题,了解更多最新考试动态