2022-05-13CFA Institute官网关于Mock Exam解释 The mock exam is designed to mimic,as closely as possible,the exam/ day experience.It is timed and structured with approximately the same topic area weights and...
2017-04-172016特许金融分析师一级考试真题及答案解析:单选 、单项选择题(本题型共5小题,每小题20分,每小题只有一个正确答案,请从每小题的备选答案中选出一...
2017-04-17仿真模拟:Equity Portfolio Management Jerold Munoz is a wealthy U.S. investor whose current portfolio consists entirely of U.S. equities. He has read that there are benefits and risks associated w...
2017-04-17The University Endowment Fund is considering making an investment in hedge fiinds. Its investment committee is meeting to decide which of the following four hedge funds should be selected: ■ COE Fund,...
2017-04-17Which of the following is least accurate regarding reasons for imposing a summary suspension upon covered persons? A. Failure to return the annual professional conduct statement. B. Misdemeanor charge ...
销售部门上缴1万元,未存入银行 。这个不需要在对账单里+1吗
销售部门上缴1万元,未存入银行 。这个不需要在对账单里+1吗
CFA模拟题在哪下载?怎么下载?CFA考试是自修课程,需要考生独立完成CFA三级考试内容的学习并在最终接受CFA协会的测试。既然是考试就离不开刷题,那在CFA考试中最值得考生做的题目就是Mock模拟题,是仿真考试出的,方便考生掌握自己的考前学习情况。 一、Mock下载方法: Study板块下的learning ecosystem,进.........
2022-09-16一、Ethical and Professional Standards 1.: Code of Ethics A.: State the four components of the Code of Ethics. Members of AIMR shall: 1. Act with integrity, competence, dignity, and in an ethical manner when dealing with the public, clients, prospects, employers, employees, and fellow members. 2. Practice and encourage others to practice in a professional and ethical manner that will reflect cred.........
2016-01-08CFA一级职业伦理1: In a privateconference of the analysts, Bill, CFA, announced that the company released theincrease in EPS before a public release in a few days and told them not todivulge such information in the guideline distributed to the analysts. Whenshould the analysts release the material information? A.after the privateconference. B.after the releaseof guideline C.after the publicr.........
2015-12-22【考试必考】CFA一级数量分析1: An investor purchases oneshare of stock for $85. Exactly one year later, the company pays a dividend of$2.00 per share. This is followed by two more annual dividends of $2.25 and$2.75 in successive years. Upon receiving the third dividend, the investorsells the share for $100. The money-weighted rate of return on this investmentis closest to: A.7.97%. B.8.........
2016-11-11Commodity futures prices are most likely in backwardation when: A. the convenience yield is high. B. storage costs are high. C. interest rates are high. solution:A 高顿网校温馨提醒 各位考生,2015年12月CFA备考已经开始,为了方便各位考生能更加系统地掌握考试大纲的重点知识,帮助大家充分备考,体验实战,高顿网校开通了全免费的 CFA题库.........
2016-11-11Question: Bart Wiley,CFA,agreed in writing with his former employer not to solicit former clients for a period of one year after his termination. After he left his former employer, he consulted with a lawyer about whether the agreement was legally enforceable. The lawyer advised Wiley that it was doubtful that the agreement could be enforced, so Wiley sent a marketing brochure about his n.........
2015-11-26在cfa证书考试中,很重要的一张就是国际贸易及其他相关的计算,费雪效应就是发现了通货膨胀率预期与利率之间关系~费雪,和飞雪连城有没有关系呢, 是不是一个派系的呢? 费雪效应是由著名的经济学家欧文费雪*9个揭示了通货膨胀率预期与利率之间关系的一个发现,它指出当通货膨胀率预期上升时,.........
2015-10-12在CFA考试大纲中,明确指出要熟练掌握此模型,该模型由迈克尔波特(Michael Porter)于80年代初提出,对公司战略制定产生全球性的深远影响。用于竞争战略的分析,可以有效的分析客户的竞争环境。波特的五力分析法是对一个产业盈利能力和吸引力的静态断面扫描,说明的是该产业中的企业平均具有的盈.........
2015-10-12今天就是cfa成绩公布的时刻了。作为参加cfa考试的一员,是否都异常紧张和期待呢?高顿网校CFA小编带大家来认知一下CFA的评分标准,先来看一下成绩评分表过一下眼瘾吧。 1成绩评分标准 答对题数=全球成绩前1%的考生的平均答对题数*70%。例如:共有240题,如果全球成绩前1%的考生的平均答对题数=.........
2015-07-28【专题】微观经济学:纳什均衡 【问题】请问寡头垄断里面的合谋和纳什均衡有什么关系? 【专家解答】 纳什均衡就是博弈的双方选择的都是相对于自己来说最有利的决定(人都是追求个人的自身利益),只不过这个决定没有达到整体利益的*5化和*3化。 而合谋是寡头市场中的厂商由于相互的依赖性,建.........
2021-07-29关于道德部分,历来是cfa考试的重点部分。作为一位为投企工作的职业经理人,该如何用标准的道德操守,如何周旋在前雇主和现雇主之间?高顿小编特分享一篇关于道德标准的题目,希望考生可以做一下。 Question: Bart Wiley,CFA,agreed in writing with his former employer not to solicit former clients for a period of one yea.........