If MRSXY=2.5, and PX/PY=2.5, in order to maximize Utility, then the consumer will:
  A、Buy more X
  B、Buy more Y
  C、Be indifferent between X and Y.
  Solution: C. MRSXY代表主观评价,PX/PY代表市场状况,如果MRSXY比较大,则说明心理看重X,则在市场购买X;反之,则在市场上购买Y。如果相等,表明已经达到效用*5化的水平。
  If MRSXY=2.0, and PX/PY=2.5, in order to maximize Utility, then the consumer will:
  A、Buy more X
  B、Buy more Y
  C、Indifferent between X and Y.
  Solution: B. MRSXY代表主观评价,PX/PY代表市场状况,如果MRSXY比较大,则说明心理看重X,则在市场购买X;反之,则在市场上购买Y。如果相等,表明已经达到效用*5化的水平。
  If MRSXY=3.0, and PX/PY=2.5, in order to maximize Utility, then the consumer will:
  A、Buy more X
  B、Buy more Y
  C、Indifferent between X and Y.
  Solution: A. MRSXY代表主观评价,PX/PY代表市场状况,如果MRSXY比较大,则说明心理看重X,则在市场购买X;反之,则在市场上购买Y。如果相等,表明已经达到效用*5化的水平。