【专题】Independence and Objectivity:尴尬的基金经理
  在第十版当中的Independenceand Objectivity条款中多出了一个Fund Manager Relationships,这段话到底表达了什么意思?
  Researchanalysts are not the only people who must be concerned with maintaining theirindependence. Members and candidates who are responsible for hiring andretaining outside managers should not accepts gifts, entertainment, or travelfunding that may be perceived as impairing their decisions.
  Both the primaryand secondary fund managers often arrange educational and marketing events toinform others about their business strategies or investment process. Membersand candidates must review the merits of each offer individually in determiningwhether they may attend yet maintain their independence.
  假设是养老基金的投资,养老基金本身就有投资经理,但是有的时候也会雇佣外部的投资经理。在雇佣外部投资经理的事情上,就必须要保证原来的基金经理的客观独立性。primary and secondary fund managers分别指的是养老基金本身的投资经理和雇佣的外部的投资经理。Primary fund managers与secondary fundmanagers要互通信息,并且保持彼此的独立客观性。