雷区:Equity Investments
我们知道,如果按交易方式划分二级市场,中国的A股市场是属于指令驱动市场(order-driven market)的,也就是由broker撮合交易,buyer买单和seller卖单共同驱动形成股票的交易价格。在这其中同学们又会学到“限价指令簿”(limit book order)的概念,而像”take the market”、”make the market”、”make a new market”等一系列名词大多数同学有时还是会似懂非懂。
下图为limit order book。

Bids price是买单报价(26,25,24,23,22,21),ask price 是卖单报价(33,32,31,30,29,28)。
其中Best bid:*6买单报价26;Best ask/offer:最低卖单报价28.
“Make the market”指limit buy price 26; limit sell price 28,订单不能马上成交。
“Make a new market”指limit buy/sell price between 26 and 28,出现新的报
价, 订单不能马上成交。
“Take the market”指 limit buy price and limit sell price能导致订单马上成交。
Currently, the market in a stock is”$54.62bid, offered at$54.71.” A new sell limit order is placed at $54.62. This limit order is said to:
A.  take the market.
B.  make the market.
C.  make a new market.
解析: limit sell price 54.62 指股价在54.62以上才卖股票, 而刚好现在市场是54.62 bid,所以订单可以以best bid马上成交,这是take the market。