活动时间: *9次活动时间:4月12日(周日)10:00-12:00,连续五周的每周周末,每次2个小时,第二次活动时间将在*9次活动结束后通知,以此类推。 活动地点:...
2015-06-02CGA Beijing Chapter will hold a seminar with the topic of Strategic finance management under new government policy in 2015 Beijing on 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Saturday April 18, 2015. Topic is: Strategic fina...
2015-04-03Dear students, Please note that our China offices will be closed from April 4 to April 6, 2015 due to the Qingming Festival. We will reply to your emails when our offices open again on April 7 (Tuesday...
2015-04-03CGA 2014/15 Session3考试的所有教材中国地区考生都可以领取啦,高顿网校小编提醒各位考生领取教材时注意时间哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now avail...
2015-03-12CGA 2014/15 Session3考试的所有教材中国地区考生都可以领取啦,高顿网校小编提醒各位考生领取教材时注意时间哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now avail...
2015-03-12CGA 2014/15 Session3考试的所有教材中国地区考生都可以领取啦,高顿网校小编提醒各位考生领取教材时注意时间哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now avail...
2015-03-12CGA 2014/15 Session3考试的所有教材中国地区考生都可以领取啦,高顿网校小编提醒各位考生领取教材时注意时间哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now avail...
2015-03-12CGA 2014/15 Session3考试的所有教材中国地区考生都可以领取啦,高顿网校小编提醒各位考生领取教材时注意时间哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now avail...
1+10%得出的是什么 为什么要除以一万
2015年CGA加拿大注册会计师协会的考试时间暂时还未公布,依据往年经验,为您预估初次考试时间约为2015年3月。具体每场考试时间应该分别安排在2015年的3、6、9、12月份,全球统一安排。 一般来说,初级的课程一般每年都有4次考试,中高级课程每年出题次数也不少于2次。 可参照2014年CGA加拿大注册会计师.........
2015-09-08ACCA and the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada (CGA-Canada) have a global mutual recognition agreement (MRA). Originally signed in 2006, the agreement was renewed in July 2011 and will run for another five years until 2016. This MRA strengthens the already excellent relationship between the two bodies and has already provided a route for many qualified members of each association.........
2015-07-14学生如何去加拿大留学是一个非常值得大家关注的内容。学生去加拿大留学,需要获得自己的offer,这样留学成功才算!那么学生对于自己的留学途径又是否完全掌握呢?下面和天道专家一起看看吧! 去加拿大留学,最近国内不少学校推出中加高中课程,确实为低龄留学生**了更多的选择。這些中加两个学校互.........
2015-07-092015年CGA加拿大注册会计师协会的考试时间暂时还未公布,依据往年经验,小编为您预估初次考试时间约为2015年3月。具体每场考试时间应该分别安排在2015年的3、6、9、12月份,全球统一安排。届时,圣才学习网将*9时间更新考试报名相关信息!敬请关注! 一般来说,初级的课程一般每年都有4次考试,中高.........
2015-06-02All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now available in China Offices. You may now visit your regional office and get the course materials during our office hours. Thanks! Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am-6:00pm) CGA北京代表处 北京市朝阳区朝阳门外大街16号中国人寿大厦610室 邮编:100020 电话:010-6491.6570、6496.2183 传真:010-6492.1279 E-mail: edubj@cga-ch.........
2015-03-12All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now available in China Offices. You may now visit your regional office and get the course materials during our office hours. Thanks! Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am-6:00pm) CGA北京代表处 北京市朝阳区朝阳门外大街16号中国人寿大厦610室 邮编:100020 电话:010-6491.6570、6496.2183 传真:010-6492.1279 E-mail: edubj@cga-ch.........
2015-03-12All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now available in China Offices. You may now visit your regional office and get the course materials during our office hours. Thanks! Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am-6:00pm) CGA北京代表处 北京市朝阳区朝阳门外大街16号中国人寿大厦610室 邮编:100020 电话:010-6491.6570、6496.2183 传真:010-6492.1279 E-mail: edubj@cga-ch.........
2015-03-12All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now available in China Offices. You may now visit your regional office and get the course materials during our office hours. Thanks! Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am-6:00pm) CGA北京代表处 北京市朝阳区朝阳门外大街16号中国人寿大厦610室 邮编:100020 电话:010-6491.6570、6496.2183 传真:010-6492.1279 E-mail: edubj@cga-ch.........
2015-03-12有关CGA(加拿大注册会计师)考试的相关讯息,高顿网校将在*9时间通知各位学员,请大家动动手指收藏哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now available in China Offices. You may now visit your regional office and get the course materials during our office hours. Thanks! Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am-6:00pm) CGA北京代表处 北京市朝阳区.........
2015-03-12有关CGA(加拿大注册会计师)考试的相关讯息,高顿网校将在*9时间通知各位学员,请大家动动手指收藏哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now available in China Offices. You may now visit your regional office and get the course materials during our office hours. Thanks! Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am-6:00pm) CGA北京代表处 北京市朝阳区.........
2015-03-12有关CGA(加拿大注册会计师)考试的相关讯息,高顿网校将在*9时间通知各位学员,请大家动动手指收藏哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now available in China Offices. You may now visit your regional office and get the course materials during our office hours. Thanks! Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am-6:00pm) CGA北京代表处 北京市朝阳区.........
2015-03-12有关CGA(加拿大注册会计师)考试的相关讯息,高顿网校将在*9时间通知各位学员,请大家动动手指收藏哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now available in China Offices. You may now visit your regional office and get the course materials during our office hours. Thanks! Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am-6:00pm) CGA北京代表处 北京市朝阳区.........
2015-03-12有关CGA(加拿大注册会计师)考试的相关讯息,高顿网校将在*9时间通知各位学员,请大家动动手指收藏哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now available in China Offices. You may now visit your regional office and get the course materials during our office hours. Thanks! Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am-6:00pm) CGA北京代表处 北京市朝阳区.........
2015-03-12有关CGA(加拿大注册会计师)考试的相关讯息,高顿网校将在*9时间通知各位学员,请大家动动手指收藏页面哦! All the course materials for 14/15 S3 are now available in China Offices. You may now visit your regional office and get the course materials during our office hours. Thanks! Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am-6:00pm) CGA北京代表处 北京市朝.........