第三部分 | Part 3 |
债券的估值与分析 | Bond Valuation and Analysis |
金融市场与工具 | Financial Markets and Instruments |
固定收益证券:公司债券与政府债券 | Fixed Income: Corporate and Government |
金融市场与工具 | Financial Markets and Instruments |
货币的时间价值 | Time Value of Money |
债券收益率指示 | Bond Yield Measures |
利率期限结构 | Term Structure of Interest Rates |
债券价格分析 | Bond Price Analysis |
风险度量 | Risk Measurement |
信用风险 | Credit risk |
附认股权证的债券 | Bonds with Warrants |
投资属性 | Investment Characteristics |
认股权证的价值 | Value of Warrants |
可转换债券 | Convertible Bonds |
投资属性 | Investment Characteristics |
转换特性之价值 | Value of Conversion Benefits |
可赎回债券 | Callable Bonds |
投资属性 | Investment Characteristics |
估值与久期(期限) | Valuation and Duration |
浮动利率票据 | Floating Rate Notes |
投资属性及其分类 | Investment Characteristics and Types |
估值方法 | Valuation Method |
按揭支持证券 | Mortgage-Backed Securities |
按揭贷款分类 | Types of Mortgages |
有价证券的分类 | Types of Securities |
影响市场价格的因素 | Factors Affecting Market Price |
估值方法论 | Valuation Methodologies |
固定收益证券组合管理策略 | Fixed Income Portfolio Management Strategies |
积极管理 | Active Management |
消极管理 | Passive Management |
基于因素模型构造的投资组合 | Portfolio Construction based on a Factor Model |
计算套期比率:修正久期法 | Computing the Hedge Ratio: the Modified Duration Method |