第三部分Part 3
债券的估值与分析Bond Valuation and Analysis
金融市场与工具Financial Markets and Instruments
固定收益证券:公司债券与政府债券Fixed Income: Corporate and Government
金融市场与工具Financial Markets and Instruments
货币的时间价值Time Value of Money
债券收益率指示Bond Yield Measures
利率期限结构Term Structure of Interest Rates
债券价格分析Bond Price Analysis
风险度量Risk Measurement
信用风险Credit risk
附认股权证的债券Bonds with Warrants
投资属性Investment Characteristics
认股权证的价值Value of Warrants
可转换债券Convertible Bonds
投资属性Investment Characteristics
转换特性之价值Value of Conversion Benefits
可赎回债券Callable Bonds
投资属性Investment Characteristics
估值与久期(期限)Valuation and Duration
浮动利率票据Floating Rate Notes
投资属性及其分类Investment Characteristics and Types
估值方法Valuation Method
按揭支持证券Mortgage-Backed Securities
按揭贷款分类Types of Mortgages
有价证券的分类Types of Securities
影响市场价格的因素Factors Affecting Market Price
估值方法论Valuation Methodologies
固定收益证券组合管理策略Fixed Income Portfolio Management Strategies
积极管理Active Management
消极管理Passive Management
基于因素模型构造的投资组合Portfolio Construction based on a Factor Model
计算套期比率:修正久期法Computing the Hedge Ratio: the Modified Duration Method