CIIA资格能够证明持有者的能力和职业道德素质是符合国际标准。那么,CIIA到底能带给您怎样的益处呢?高顿网校小编为河北学员解答:HOW WILL CIIA ADVANCE MY CAREER?
  As an internationally recognised qualification, the CIIA will be particularly useful for you if you ever intend to work overseas or for an institute which has international operations.
  Once you have obtained the CIIA, your current or potential future employers can be confident that you have both the highest level of theoretical and practical international and national knowledge to operate in their particular geographic location. Achieving the CIIA opens the door to your international career.
  高顿网校小编寄语:河北,位于中国华北地区、河北东临渤海、内环京津。河北省属温带大陆性季风气候。 大部分地区四季分明。近期河北大部分地区天气炎热干燥,小编提醒考生在备考期间要多喝水,多吃瓜果蔬菜,以防中暑。