CIMA英国皇家特许管理会计师公会是世界上*5的管理会计师认证、管理和监督的机构,属非营利性组织。自进入中国市场以来,CIMA一直致力于推动中国企业的治理,推广管理会计a1实践、提高企业的绩效;鼓励企业践行社会责任。CIMA发起财务界的“奥斯卡”评选—CIMA 年度大奖,旨在:
  As the world’s leading and largest professional body for management accountants, CIMA has, since it’s entering into China market, been striving to improve the governance of Chinese enterprises, promote the best practices of management accounting and increase the performance of Chinese corporations. CIMA has also initiated CIMA Annual Awards, dubbed as the “Finance Oscars” for the following three purposes:
  一、 向全社会传达财务对于组织治理与价值创造的重要性;
  I, Convey to the whole society the message that good finance management is important and imperative to good governance and value creation;
  二、 树立优秀财务管理实践与优秀财务人才的标杆;
  II, Establish benchmarks of excellent finance management and talents;
  三、 搭建一个优秀财务人才和CFO群体与企业界、投资界交流的平台;
  III, Create a networking platform for CFOs, employers and investors;
  There are seven categories of the awards, respectively:
  I,Best practice of management accounting of the year
  II,Finance leader of the year
  III,The most promising finance talent of the year
  IV,The most valued CFO of the year
  V,Best practice of financial shared service of the year
  VI,CIMA Quality Employer Partner Awards
  VII,CIMA Employer Partner Awards