Gateway route (new name used in 2013)*7快速通道名称及报名系统使用编号 | Who are eligible? 面向人群 | New fees 2013 费用标准 |
What are included?费用包含 |
Materials Required申请时需提交以下资料 |
G1: Management accountant gateway(previously called CPGA) | Master in Professional Accounting who graduated or completed one year-study-MPAcc会计专业硕士学位获得者及已完成首年学业的在读学生。此政策在中国面向部分院校推广,详情请咨询CIMA中国:电话:400-820-4080邮件: | GBP 122 122英镑 | - CIMA registration fee - First gateway paperexam entry fee
| - Graduated: Copies and translations of the master educational certificates - Completed one-year study: Studying Certificate; Copies and translations of the bachelor educational certificates
M1: Masters gateway(previously called CMGA) | MBAwho graduated or completed one year-study Master's in Accounting MBA学位获得者 MBA已完成首年学业的在读生(政策仅针对部分院校开放,详情请洽400-820-4080) 会计专业硕士学位获得者 | GBP 600 600英镑 或 GBP 350 350英镑
| - CIMA registration fee - First gateway paperexam entry fee - Five online study modules(only for GBP 600)
| - Graduated: Copies and translations of the master educational certificates and transcripts - Completed one-year study: Personal resume (above three years working experience); Studying Certificate; Copies and translations of the transcripts about one-year study;Copies and translations of the bachelor educational certificates
A1: Professional gateway(previously called CGA) | Members and passed finalists of bodies who are members of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). List of IFAC members持有IFAC下属成员机构会员资格者及全科合格者IFAC成员名单。例如:ACCA、CA Australia、CA Canada、CGA、HKICPA、ICAEW *CMA(US)无IFAC机构会员资格,不享受此快速通道 | GBP 350 350英镑 | - CIMA registration fee - First gateway paper exam entry fee
| - Members: Membership certificate; Transcripts - Passed finalists: Passed finalists certificate; Transcripts