  1. National ID 居民身份证
  2. Passport 护照
  3. Military identification 军官证
  4. Driver license 驾驶证
  1. Register record of resident/citizen 户口本
  2. Employee of Foreign Enterprises Identification card 外企雇员证
  3. Employee working card with seal on the photograph,foreigner’s residence permit, Hongkong&Macou citizen’s return permit, Hongkong&Macau pass permit, foreigner’s working permit
  有公司印章和照片的工作证, 外国人居留证,港澳居民回乡证,往来港澳通行证,外国人工作许可证
  4. Student card with seal on the photograph 有学校公章和照片的学生证
  5. Valid identification Introduction letter with seal on the paper from company HR department, Police Station, personnel files storage agency, university/institute/school, or government street office, containing the information of Chinese name, English name, the relationship with the letter issuance department, and national ID number, etc.
  6. Credit card 个人信用卡(非银行借记卡)
  7. Social welfare cards 社会保险卡或医疗社会保险手册
  8. Unemployment insurance cashing card 失业保险领取证/卡
  9. Certificate of disability 残疾人证明
  10. Education Diploma with seal on the photograph 学业毕业证书(有本人照片和学校印章)

  报考指南: 2014年CMA考试报考指南 
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