CMA Part 1 – Business Analysis ExaminationQuestions for Practice
  Section A: Business Economics A部分:商业经济学
  1.        Which one of the following would cause the demand curve for bagels toshift to the left?
  a.        A decrease in the cost of muffins.
  b.        An increase in the population.
  c.        A decrease in the price of bagels.
  d.        An increase in the supply of bagels.
  1.        下列哪项会使面包圈的需求曲线向左移动?
  a.        松饼的成本下降
  b.        人口增加
  c.        面包圈的价格下降
  d.        面包圈的供给增加
  2.        Which one of the following would cause the demand curve for preparedmeals sold in supermarkets to shift to the right?
  a.        An increase in the price of prepared meals.
  b.        An increase in consumer income.
  c.        A decrease in the price of restaurant meals.
  d.        An increase in the supply of prepared meals.
  2.        下列哪项会使超市中出售的速食的需求曲线向右移动?
  a.        速食的价格升高
  b.        消费者收入增加
  c.        饭店的价格下降
  d.        速食的供给增加
  3.         If a decrease in the demand for Product X causes the demand curve for Product Y to shift to the right, then X and Y are most likely to be which of the following?
  a.         Shoes and laces.
  b.         Butter and margarine.
  c.         Knives and forks.
  d.         Cars and gasoline.
  3. 假设产品X的需求下降使得产品Y的需求曲线向右移动,那么X和Y最可能是下列哪两种东西?
  a.         鞋和鞋带
  b.         黄油和人造黄油
  c.         刀和叉
  d.         汽车和汽油
  CMA Exam Retired Questions
  4. All of the following will increase the demand for a factor of production except
  a. an increase in the demand for the product.
  b. an increase in the marginal revenue product of the factor of production.  c. training aimed at increasing productivity.
  d. an increase in the supply of the factor of production.
  4. 下列哪项不会增加一种生产要素的需求?
  a. 该产品的需求增加
  b. 该生产要素的边际收入产品增加
  c. 旨在提高生产率的培训
  d. 该生产要素的供给增加
  5. If the demand for a product is elastic, a price increase will result in
  a. no change in total revenue.
  b. an increase in total revenue.
  c. a decrease in total revenue.
  d. an indeterminate change in revenue.
  5. 假设产品的需求是有弹性的,那么价格增加会造成:
  a. 总收入不变
  b. 总收入增加
  c. 总收入减少
  d. 收入变动不确定