  CPAA 澳洲注册会计师协会评估对会员的要求
  至少大学学位(degree from a university),该学位同时被澳大利亚海外技术移民国际教育国家办公室(AEI-NOOSR)和 CPA Australia 认可为对等的三年澳大利亚学士学位。
  CPAA 澳洲注册会计师协会评估对非会员的要求
  澳大利亚学士学位对等学历(have a university qualification comparable to an Australian Bachelor degree)。
  包含 16 个单元的硕士学位,2 年全日制或者对等的非全日制教育(the Masters degree comprises 16 units (no exemptions) and is of 2-years full-time or equivalent part-time duration),完成评估结果中所要求附加的学习(complete all additional studies as prescribed in the assessment result)。
  CPAA 澳大利亚注册会计师协会评估所需材料清单
  1.学历学位证书公证件 A certified true copy of the original Academic award(s) (certificates, diplomas, testamurs).If not in English, an official translation must also be provided.
  2.成绩单 Academic transcripts(exam results).
  3.课程大纲 Syllabus details (subject outlines)
  4.会员证书/考试结果 Membership certificates/exam results (if applicable)
  5.相关更名文件 documentation relevant to changes in your name.
  7.其他高等教育证书 Other tertiary qualifications(If you have an undergraduate degree in arts (for example)followed by a postgraduate degree in accounting, please submit documents for both. Syllabus detail is only required for relevant core subjects as described above.)
  CPAA 澳大利亚注册会计师协会申请周期
  * 海外未被认证的学位周期为10--11周
  * 澳大利亚学历和被认证的学历周期为6--7周
  * CPAA 澳洲注册会计师协会评估有效期---5年
  注:CPA Australia 不要求面试(interviews)或 英语应用测试(conduct language tests)
  CPAA 澳洲注册会计师协会接收以下认可机构的公证文件
  * CPA
  * commissioner for oaths
  * Justice of the Peace
  * notary public
  * lawyer
  * police officer, sheriff, sheriff's officer
  * dentist, legal practitioner, medical practitioner, pharmacist, veterinary surgeon
  * CPA or Chartered Accountant
  * bank manager
  * Australian consular officer or Australian diplomatic officer
  * any other official who, in your home country, is authorised to endorse documents and legal declarations or witness sworn affidavits
  * MARA registered migration agents 
  认证件必须包括:The endorsement must clearly indicate the following:
  * 日期 date sighted
  * 签字人的名字和签名 the signatory’s name and signature
  * 签字人的联系方式 the signatory’s contact details
  * 签字人代表的机构 which of the above categories the signatory represents
  * 对文件真实性的陈述 state that the copies are true and unaltered reproductions of the original documents
  CPAA 澳洲注册会计师协会评估费用 350 澳币。
  在评估开始的任何阶段可以撤销评估,退 300 澳币,扣 50 澳币手续费。如果对于评估的任何工作都完成了,将不退费。
  CPAA 原评估出来 6 个月内可以申请复审,费用为 $80 。
  CPAA 澳洲注册会计师协会评估更换评估结果 Assessment result 费用为 $80 。
  * 银行汇票(Bank draft)
  * 信用卡支付(Credit card:Visa, Master Card, Amex)
  * 电子资金转账(Electronic funds transfer)
  * 个人支票-澳大利亚银行账户(Personal cheques - will be accepted only if drawn on an Australian bank account)