CPAA是Certified Practicing Accountant Australia的缩写,中文称为“澳大利亚注册会计师”。澳大利亚注册会计师协会成立于1886年,是澳洲*5的专业团体及全球*5的会计师公会之一。下设18个分会,分布在伦敦、新加坡、马 来西亚、香港、北京、上海、广州、澳门、 印尼、斐济、越南和新西兰等。因此,也成为近几年比较热门的一项国际会计师考试项目。下面,高顿网校小编为重庆的学子介绍一下关于CPAA Application process的内容。
  Application process
  1. Let us know you are interested – apply today
  If you have an accredited degree in accounting, commerce or business then the CPA Program is for you. You can apply online today – the process is simple and quick.
  Am I eligible for membership?
  Continue a saved application
  Register for Become a CPA seminar
  Semester two enrolment dates
  To be eligible for the early bird enrolment offer, we must receive your membership application and all your supporting documents before Tuesday 15 July.
  Tuesday 15 July – early bird offer closes
  Monday 28 July – enrolments close
  Monday 4 August – semester starts
  2. Enrol in the CPA Program
  Once we have confirmed you are ready to start the program, you can enrol online for your chosen study units. Your study guides will be sent out to you upon enrolment, and you will be on your way!
