2015-07-28CPAA考试的及格分数,是通过一种叫proficiency workshop approach的方法(也称作modified Angoffapproach)来设定的,关于这种方法的详细内容,有兴趣的朋友可以研究...
2015-07-281.要符合澳洲各类签证规定不要小看也不要忽视签证类别,因为这是申请签证的*9步。针对不同学历的学生,都有其所对应的澳洲签证类别和具体规定。 例...
2015-07-28*9部分:澳洲CPA背景分析 在澳洲的中国留学生之中,会计专业一向受到留学生的青睐,因而报读会计的人数也非常非常的多,以至于大家都认为会计泛滥了...
2015-07-28在2014年7月1日生效的*7澳大利亚技术移民职业列表(Skilled Occupation List)上,共有191个技术移民职业。下面总结归纳了8个商科类职业,并且列出了每一类留...
2015-07-24澳洲注册会计师协会(Certified Public Accountant Australia, 简称CPA Australia或CPAA)是澳洲移民部指定的会计职业移民评估机构,对于想要通过会计专业移民的学生,毋...
2015-07-23CPAA山东学子知道澳洲注册会计师基础阶段可以考几次吗? Q.How many times can I repeat a foundation level exam? A. Candidates have a maximum of four attempts at any one foundation l...
2014-09-29CPAA福建学子知道澳洲注册会计师基础阶段可以考几次吗? Q.How many times can I repeat a foundation level exam? A. Candidates have a maximum of four attempts at any one foundation l...
2014-09-29CPAA黑龙江学子知道澳洲注册会计师基础阶段可以考几次吗? Q.How many times can I repeat a foundation level exam? A. Candidates have a maximum of four attempts at any one foundatio...
2014-09-29CPAA浙江学子知道澳洲注册会计师基础阶段可以考几次吗? Q.How many times can I repeat a foundation level exam? A. Candidates have a maximum of four attempts at any one foundation l...
1+10%得出的是什么 为什么要除以一万
1. 想获得会计的职业评估60分和加分一定要读CPA认证的课程吗? 不一定,只要你学过的课程,包括在中国学习和在澳洲学习的课程有9门课达到要求,就可以获得会计的职业分60分以及15或者20分的加分。举个例子,如果在国内是读会计的,去申请CPA的职业认证,认证的结果是认为你只有6门达到要求,那么.........
2015-07-28澳大利亚绝大多数大学所开设的会计学本科或研究生课程均能达到会计师协会的要求,被会计师协会认可。但要成为注册会计师不是很容易的事,需要在8年之内完成以下3个阶段的工作和学习:1. CPA会员指导下的工作经验(MOW)Membership Oriented Workshop此阶段是将理论和实践相结合。(一年左右)2. CPA Pro.........
2015-07-28在2014年7月1日生效的*7澳大利亚技术移民职业列表(Skilled Occupation List)上,共有191个技术移民职业。下面总结归纳了8个商科类职业,并且列出了每一类留学专业所对应的移民职业和职业评估机构。在这里,我们把移民类留学专业定义为通过留学澳大利亚可以通过职业评估并且能够申请技术移民(Skilled M.........
2015-07-24CPAA福建学子知道澳洲注册会计师基础阶段可以考几次吗? Q.How many times can I repeat a foundation level exam? A. Candidates have a maximum of four attempts at any one foundation level exam. Candidates will be unable to enrol for a fifth attempt at the exam. We recommend that if you fail an exam repeatedly that you contact us to discuss further study options before you sit a fo.........
2014-09-29福建同学问:如果我已经通过了澳洲移民评估是否还需要参加CPAA评估?来看看官方答案吧! Q.I have had a migration assessment. Will I also need an assessment to determine my eligibility for membership? A. Yes, the migration assessment and CPA Australia membership assessment are two separate assessments. Even though your qualifications have been assessed for migration.........
2014-09-23澳洲注册会计师CPAA基础阶段可以考几次? Q.How many times can I repeat a foundation level exam? A. Candidates have a maximum of four attempts at any one foundation level exam. Candidates will be unable to enrol for a fifth attempt at the exam. We recommend that if you fail an exam repeatedly that you contact us to discuss further study options before you sit a fourth attempt. 高顿网.........
2014-09-26海南:CPAA澳洲注册会计师考试的移民评估与CPAA评估! Q.I have had a migration assessment. Will I also need an assessment to determine my eligibility for membership? A. Yes, the migration assessment and CPA Australia membership assessment are two separate assessments. Even though your qualifications have been assessed for migration purposes, our membership requirements are differe.........
2014-09-26宁夏:CPAA澳洲注册会计师考试的移民评估与CPAA评估! Q.I have had a migration assessment. Will I also need an assessment to determine my eligibility for membership? A. Yes, the migration assessment and CPA Australia membership assessment are two separate assessments. Even though your qualifications have been assessed for migration purposes, our membership requirements are differe.........
2014-09-26四川:CPAA澳洲注册会计师考试的移民评估与CPAA评估! Q.I have had a migration assessment. Will I also need an assessment to determine my eligibility for membership? A. Yes, the migration assessment and CPA Australia membership assessment are two separate assessments. Even though your qualifications have been assessed for migration purposes, our membership requirements are differe.........
2014-09-26西藏:CPAA澳洲注册会计师考试的移民评估与CPAA评估! Q.I have had a migration assessment. Will I also need an assessment to determine my eligibility for membership? A. Yes, the migration assessment and CPA Australia membership assessment are two separate assessments. Even though your qualifications have been assessed for migration purposes, our membership requirements are differe.........
2014-09-26青海:CPAA澳洲注册会计师考试的移民评估与CPAA评估! Q.I have had a migration assessment. Will I also need an assessment to determine my eligibility for membership? A. Yes, the migration assessment and CPA Australia membership assessment are two separate assessments. Even though your qualifications have been assessed for migration purposes, our membership requirements are differe.........
2014-09-26贵州:CPAA澳洲注册会计师考试的移民评估与CPAA评估! Q.I have had a migration assessment. Will I also need an assessment to determine my eligibility for membership? A. Yes, the migration assessment and CPA Australia membership assessment are two separate assessments. Even though your qualifications have been assessed for migration purposes, our membership requirements are differe.........
2014-09-26吉林学子:我已通过移民评估,还要参加CPPA的评估吗? Q.I have had a migration assessment. Will I also need an assessment to determine my eligibility for membership? A. Yes, the migration assessment and CPA Australia membership assessment are two separate assessments. Even though your qualifications have been assessed for migration purposes, our membership requirements are diffe.........
2014-09-26陕西学子:我已通过移民评估,还要参加CPPA的评估吗? Q.I have had a migration assessment. Will I also need an assessment to determine my eligibility for membership? A. Yes, the migration assessment and CPA Australia membership assessment are two separate assessments. Even though your qualifications have been assessed for migration purposes, our membership requirements are diffe.........
2014-09-26内蒙古学子:我已通过移民评估,还要参加CPPA的评估吗? Q.I have had a migration assessment. Will I also need an assessment to determine my eligibility for membership? A. Yes, the migration assessment and CPA Australia membership assessment are two separate assessments. Even though your qualifications have been assessed for migration purposes, our membership requirements are di.........