不论是为了留学还是为了职业发展,在澳洲的中国留学生之中,会计专业一向受到留学生的青睐,下面让高顿网校小编为江苏的学生介绍一下关于NZICA member offer的内容。
  NZICA member offer
  Being a CPA Australia member allows you to become a part of one of the world’s largest accounting bodies, with more than 150,000 finance, accounting and business professionals in 121 countries.
  And while global reach is important, we also ensure local relevancy through working closely with major New Zealand employers, government and industry.
  It’s all part of our commitment to creating a career advantage as we help develop future New Zealand business leaders.
  We have put together a special offer that will allow current full NZICA members to apply to join CPA Australia without payment of membership fees until Thursday 1 January 2015*.
  Benefits of being a CPA Australia member
  CPA Australia has invested in New Zealand since 1992 and is committed to significantly growing our local presence
  We are accredited by the Financial Markets Authority under the Auditor Regulation Act 2011 in respect of auditor licensing and regulation in New Zealand for auditors of issuers and are recognised as an Approved Adviser Group with the Inland Revenue Department
  Our members include respected leaders from across the private and public sectors
  We provide a compelling value proposition to our members based on helping them to become strategic business leaders
  We advocate for the public good by working with government and regulatory bodies to continuously improve standards and confidence in the local accounting and finance sector