CPAA海南的考生,是不是心里都有疑问:What happens after the assessment is complete?来看看官方解答吧!
  CPA Australia will assess your qualifications based on the information provided and send your outcome letter to your email. Your outcome letter will determine your eligibility for membership and will inform you of the next steps you need to take to become a CPA. It will also contain the condition under which the result was issued and the date by which you will need to provide your official documentation in order to meet the condition.
  What happens after the assessment is complete?
  You can conditionally enrol in the CPA Program based on your conditional membership assessment result. However, please note that you will need to provide certified true copies of your official documents before the date specified in your outcome letter.
  When submitting the documents, it is important that you also provide a cover letter containing:
  your reference number
  your full name and date of birth
  the reason for sending the documents – conditional enrolment
  Once CPA Australia receives your official documentation, the condition around your assessment outcome and enrolment will be removed.
  Note: If an applicant fails to provide official documentation by the advised deadline, CPA Australia will withhold the applicant’s exam results.