广西学子须知:CPAA在线学习工具的System requirements,请广大考生在使用前先核对一下是否符合要求,不要因此耽误自己的学习!

        System requirements for My Online Learning
  Microsoft Windows  XP or above
  Mac OSX
  1GB memory
  4 GB hard disk space or higher
  1024 x 768 screen resolution with true colour(32 bit) or higher
  sound card with speakers or headphones
  broadband internet connection (256Kbps or higher)
  one of the following browsers (javaScript enabled):
  (1) Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higher
  (2)Mozilla Firefox 8 or higher
  (3)Safari 3.1 or higher
  (4)Google Chrome
  Adobe Flash Player 9 or higher
  Microsoft Office 2003 or higher
  Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 or higher
  24x speed CD drive