  Past financial disasters have resulted when a firm allows a trader to have dual roles as both the head of trading and the head of the back-office support function. Which of the following case studies did not involve this particular operational risk oversight?高顿网校为考生准备了史上最全的FRM考试备考指南,轻松学习,简单、高效,让考试So Easy!了解详情
  I.         Drysdale Securities
  II.        Daiwa
  III.       Allied Irish Bank
  IV.     Barings
  A.      I only
  B.      II and IV only
  C.      I and III only
  D.      IV only
  Answer: C
  Explanation: The rogue traders for both Daiwa and Barings had dual roles as both the head of trading and the head of the back-office support function. This operational risk oversight allowed them to hide millions in losses from senior management. In the Allied Irish Bank case, John Rusnak did not run the back-office operations. The Drysdale Securities case did not deal with a rogue trader.
  Financial Disasters – Barings and Daiwa
  Barings: rogue trader, Nick Leeson, took speculative derivative positions (Nikkei 225 futures) in an attempt to cover trading losses; Leeson had dual responsibilities of trading and supervising settlement operations, allowing him to hide trading losses; Lessons include separation of duties and management oversight.
  Daiwa: A Treasury bond trader, Toshihide Iguchi, not only hid the losses but also forged customer trading slips. He had dual role as the head of both trading and the back-office support function and covered up $1.1 billion in losses over 11-year time span.本站提供FRM考试网络课程免费试听  请点击试听