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  4. Which of the following statements regarding option"Greeks" is(are) correct?
  I. Vega measures the sensitivity of optionprices to changes in volatility.
  II. Forward instruments cannot be used tocreate gamma-neutral positions.
  III. Rho is a much more important riskfactor for equities than for fixed-income derivatives.
  IV. Theta represents the expected change indelta For a change in the value of the underlying.
  a. I and III only.
  b. I and II only.
  c. IV only.
  d. I, II, and IV.
  答案解析:选 B
  Gamma represents the expected change indelta for a change in the value of the underlying. Large changes in rates haveonly small effects on equity option prices, so rho is a more important riskfactor for fixed-income derivatives.