小编导读:您还会为FRM考试感到烦恼吗?高顿网校精品题库,包含历年真题,模拟试题等题型,题题结合考试大纲贴近考试考点。坚持每天做题练习,一定可以提升备考效果,为赢取属于自己的美好明天加油吧!马上开始练习>>  Considering a company that uses derivatives to hedge foreign exchange risk, which of the choices below is the main advantage of futures contracts over forward contracts ?
  A.Futures are less standardized
  B.Futures usually have smaller notional amounts.
  C.Futures have less credit risk due to “marking-to-market”.
  D.Futures are typically available for longer maturities.
  Answer: C
  The mark-to-market feature of a futures contract requires each side to settle up every day, which reduces the credit risk of the transaction.