小编导读:在FRM一级考试中,计算题所占比重很大,而金融衍生品这部分更甚。期权定价也是计算题的重点之一,考生们一定要多多练习,熟悉相关公式。点击练习>>  Using the Black-Scholes model, compute the value of a European call option using the following imputs:
  Underlying stock price: $100
  Exercise price: $90
  Risk-free interest rate: 5%
  Volatility: 20%
  Dividend yield: 0%
  Time to expiration: one year
  The Black-Scholes call option price is closest to:
  A. $13.65.
  B. $15.33.
  C. $17.99.
  D. $16.71.
  This value is obtained using the Black-Scholes model for call option without dividends:
  So d1=(ln(100/90)+(0.05+0.202/2))/0.2√1=0.8768 and using the table, N(0.88)=0.8106. d2=0.8768-0.2√1=0.6768, so from the table,N(d2)=N(0.68)=0.7517.
  So the call value is 100(0.8106)-90e(-0.05)(0.7517)=$16.71.