During the recent credit crisis, subprime mortgages received pressure From upward movements in interest rates, along with the impossibility for most of these borrowers to refinance. As a result, many subprime borrowers allowed their
  reduced value homes to be taken over by the Jender. All ofthe following statements describe the effect subprime actions had on mortgage-backed security portfolios except:
  A. Repayment issues in lower tranches impacted confidence in higher tranches.
  B. There was a fire sale of securitized debt.
  C. Panic among MBS investors led to a flight to safer assets.
  D. The defaults in the lower tranches were high but did not affect senior tranche investors.
  For investors, there was little expectation of portfolio losses in senior tranches. However, when repayment issues surfaced in the riskiest tranches, a lack of confidence spread to holders of more senior tranches. This caused panic among investors and a flight into safer Asets, resulting in a fire sale of securitized debt.